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1. 供奉像:可以在家中或寺庙中摆放观世音菩萨的像,以供奉和礼拜。这可以是木雕、石雕或者其他材质的像。

2. 祈祷和礼拜:每天或者定期向观世音菩萨祈祷,表达敬意和感恩,并请求保佑和庇佑。可以燃香、献花或者念经礼拜。

3. 心诚诵经:可以选择诵读《心经》、《观世音菩萨圣号经》等经文,以净化心灵、增加智慧、消除烦恼。

4. 做善事:观世音菩萨慈悲为怀,信徒可以通过做善事、施舍、慈善等行为来表达对观世音的信仰和敬意。

5. 心存感恩:无论在何时何地,都要心存感恩,感谢观世音菩萨的慈悲护佑和指引。



Bodhisattva of the sound that observe a life is the compassionate god in buddhism, sound of consecrate view world is OK undertake according to the individual's belief and habit. Generally speaking, consecrate watchs the means of world sound to be able to include the following:

1.Consecrate resembling: Can be in the home or those who watch world sound a term applied to a kindhearted person is put to resemble in cloister, with consecrate and chapel. This can be woodcarving, stone carving other perhaps material resembles character.

2.Pray and week: Perhaps pray to Bodhisattva of the sound that observe a life regularly everyday, expressive devoir and be thankful, the request is blessed and bless. Can light sweet, display spend or recite scriptures chapel.

3.Heart sincere Song classics: Can choose chant " heart classics " , " classics of date of emperor of Guan Shiyin Bodhisattva " wait for lection, in order to purify the heart, raise wisdom, remove trouble.

4.Do thing of be apt to: Bodhisattva of the sound that observe a life is lenient, the belief that believer can pass the behavior such as the thing that make kind, almsgiving, charity to convey pair of Guan Shiyin and devoir.

5.The heart puts be thankful: No matter be in when He De, want a heart to put be thankful, the mercy that thanks a term applied to a kindhearted person of the sound that observe a life is protected bless and how-to.

The means of sound of consecrate view world because of the person different, important is to maintain sincere desire and devotional.
