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1. **选择供奉位置:** 通常在家中的财位或者厅堂位置,最好选择一个干净整洁的地方来供奉太岁将军。

2. **准备供奉品:** 包括鲜花、水果、香烛、茶水等,可以根据个人的喜好和实际情况进行选择。

3. **准备供奉台或神龛:** 用来摆放供奉品的地方,可以选择一个简单而美观的供奉台或者神龛。

4. **摆放供品:** 将准备好的供品摆放在供奉台或神龛上,可以根据个人的喜好和风俗习惯来摆放。

5. **祈祷供奉:** 在摆放好供品之后,可以诚心祈祷太岁将军,表达自己的诚意和祈求。

6. **定期供奉:** 最好每月定期进行供奉,以保持与太岁将军的联系,并且不忘感恩。



General of an ancient name for the planet Jupiter is a deities in Chinese folk belief, often be gotten to install bless peace by consecrate in an attempt to. General of consecrate an ancient name for the planet Jupiter needs the following measure normally:

1.** chooses consecrate place: ** is in the home normally medium money or hall hall position, had better choose a clean and neat place to come general of consecrate an ancient name for the planet Jupiter.

2.** prepares consecrate to taste: ** includes flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles, boiled water to wait, can undertake choosing according to the individual's be fond of and actual condition.

3.** prepares consecrate stage or shrine: ** uses the place that puts consecrate to taste, can choose a simple and beautiful consecrate station or shrine.

4.** puts offerings: ** puts ready offerings go up in consecrate stage or shrine, can be put according to the individual's be fond of and custom habit.

5.** prays consecrate: After ** is putting good offerings, can pray in earnest general of an ancient name for the planet Jupiter, the good faith that expresses oneself and invocatory.

6.** fixed consecrate: ** had better undertake consecrate every months regularly, in order to maintain the connection with general of an ancient name for the planet Jupiter, and do not forget be thankful.

In the process of general of consecrate an ancient name for the planet Jupiter, need maintains sincere desire and devotional, with getting deities bless and shelter.
