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1. 祭拜仪式:可以选择在山脚下或山顶上进行祭拜仪式,向妙峰山表达敬意和感恩之情。在祭拜仪式上,可以燃香、献花或者念诵经文,以示虔诚。

2. 建立神龛或供桌:在家中或者寺庙中可以设立专门的神龛或供桌,供奉妙峰山的神灵或者圣物。可以放置山水画像、山石或其他象征妙峰山的物品。

3. 念诵经文:可以每天或者每周定期念诵与妙峰山相关的经文或祈祷文,表达对山神的敬意和祈福之意。

4. 做好环境保护:作为对妙峰山的供奉,最好的方式之一是爱护山脉环境,保持山区的清洁和生态平衡,以此来尊重山神的力量和神圣。



Means of consecrate of clever peak hill is mixed according to religious belief of the individual traditional and consuetudinary and differ somewhat. Generally speaking, hill of consecrate clever peak can carry the following kind:

1.Hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony: Can choose to be below the foot of a hill or undertake hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony on the summit, express devoir and the feeling that be thankful to clever peak hill. Ceremonially is done obeisance to in hold a memorial ceremony for, can light sweet, display a flower to perhaps recite lection,

2.Build shrine or altar: In the home special a shrine for idols or ancestral tablets or altar perhaps can be established in cloister, the deities of hill of consecrate clever peak or holy content. Can place landscape picture, hill stone or other and indicative the article of clever peak hill.

3.Recite lection: Perhaps can recite the lection related to clever peak hill or pray prayer regularly every week everyday, express the desire of magical to hill devoir and pray blessing.

4.Do good environmental protection: Regard pair of clever peaks as the consecrate of hill, one of best means are environment of care mountain range, maintain a mountainous area cleanness and ecological balance, the force that will respect hill god with this and divine.

Above consecrate means can be mixed according to actual condition of the individual be fond of undertakes adjust and metabolic.
