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1. **选择供奉的对象:**确定供奉墙上会供奉哪些对象,例如神灵、祖先、佛像、圣像等。

2. **墙面装饰:**可以选择装饰墙面的材料和颜色,比如木质、石材或者彩绘。

3. **供品摆放:**根据供奉对象的习俗,摆放相应的供品,比如鲜花、水果、烛台等。

4. **照明设计:**考虑在供奉墙附近设置合适的照明,使供品和供奉对象能够得到良好的照明。

5. **祈祷和礼仪空间:**如果有条件,可以在供奉墙周围划出一块空间用于祈祷和进行宗教仪式。

6. **个性化装饰:**根据个人的喜好和信仰,可以在供奉墙上添加个性化的装饰,比如挂画、书籍或者写有祈祷文的卷轴等。

7. **保持清洁:**定期清理供奉墙及其周围的区域,保持整洁和神圣的氛围。



The design of consecrate wall can undertake according to the individual's belief and preference custom-built. It is a few common design elements below:

1.** chooses the target of consecrate: Consecrate of the meeting on wall of ** affirmatory consecrate what object, for example deities, ancestor, figure of Buddha, icon.

2.** metope decorates: ** can choose to decorate the material of metope and color, for instance material of woodiness, stone or coloured drawing or pattern.

3.** offerings puts: ** basis of consecrate object consuetudinary, put corresponding offerings, for instance flower, fruit, candlestick.

4.** illume designs: ** considers to install appropriate illume around consecrate wall, make offerings and consecrate object can get good illume.

5.** prays and formal space: If ** is conditional, can be all round consecrate wall a space uses lay off at pray and undertaking ritual.

6.** individuation decorates: ** is mixed according to the individual's be fond of devotional, personalized adornment can be added on consecrate wall, the reel that hangs picture, book to perhaps write prayer having pray for instance.

7.** keeps clean: ** clears regularly consecrate wall and the area all round its, keep neat with divine atmosphere.

When designing consecrate wall, the most important is the belief that respects an individual and tradition, ensure the design accords with the need of individual and religion.
