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1. **观音形象**:选择一个你感觉与观音形象亲近的雕像或图像,可能是觉得其面容慈祥、温和的形象更容易与之产生共鸣。

2. **材质**:观音像可以是各种材质的,包括石头、木头、铜或其他金属等。选择一个你认为适合你供奉空间和你个人喜好的材质。

3. **大小**:根据你的供奉空间大小选择合适的观音像。有些人喜欢较大的雕像以展示敬意,而有些人则更倾向于小巧的雕像。

4. **品质**:尽量选择工艺精湛、质量好的观音像,这样可以更好地保持长久的供奉。

5. **个人感受**:最重要的是你的个人感受。在挑选观音像时,应该考虑到你对这个形象的信仰和感受,选择与你心灵产生共鸣的雕像或图像。



Consecrate avalokitesvara needs to consider the following normally:

1.** of ** avalokitesvara figure: Those who choose you to feel as close as avalokitesvara figure statuary or image, the likelihood is to feel the image with its amiable, friendly countenance produces resonance more easily to it.

2.** material qualitative ** : Avalokitesvara resembling can be all sorts of material are qualitative, include stone, wood, copper or other metal to wait. The capable person that selects you to think to fit your consecrate space and your individual fancy is qualitative.

3.** size ** : According to choice of your consecrate space size appropriate avalokitesvara resembles. Some people like bigger statuary in order to show respect, and have some of person criterion more apt is cabinet statuary.

4.** character ** : Choose technology as far as possible the avalokitesvara with masterly, good quality resembles, can maintain long consecrate better so.

5.** individual experiences ** : The individual that the most important is you is experienced. When choosing avalokitesvara to resemble, should consider your belief to this figure is mixed experience, of choice and resonance of your heart generation statuary or image.

Consider above factor integratedly, choosing to be able to cause inner calm and devotional avalokitesvara to resemble is the most important.
