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1. **朝向问题:** 根据传统,有些宗教要求神台朝向特定的方向,比如东方、西方或者其他。请根据自己的信仰来确定。

2. **摆放高度:** 神台的高度一般应该适中,便于人们行礼和祭拜。不宜摆放得太低或太高。

3. **供品摆放:** 根据信仰,可以摆放水果、花、香等供品,以示敬意。在放置供品时,要注意它们的新鲜程度和清洁度。

4. **清洁整理:** 定期清洁神台及其周围的区域,保持神台的整洁和清净,这是对神灵的尊重。

5. **其他装饰:** 根据自己的喜好和宗教传统,可以在神台上放置一些装饰品,比如佛像、神像、经文等。



Of consecrate mind table put want to decide according to specific religious belief and tradition normally. Generally speaking, divine table should be put in a neat, quiet, kosher place, had better be to be able to get people respect and awe-stricken place, sitting room, family is for instance sacred room or cloister. When put, can consider the following:

1.** front problem: ** ground is traditional, the direction that some religion ask divine table front is specific, oriental, west is for instance other perhaps. The belief that asks him basis will decide.

2.** puts height: The height of ** mind table is average should moderate, facilitating people salutes to be done obeisance to with hold a memorial ceremony for. Unfavorable put too low or too high.

3.** offerings puts: ** basis is devotional, can put fruit, flower, sweet wait for offerings, in order to show respect. When placing offerings, want to notice their new rate and cleanness are spent.

4.** cleanness arranges: Table of mind of ** fixed cleanness reachs the area all round its, those who carry divine station is neat and kosher, this is the esteem to deities.

5.** other adornment: ** is mixed according to his be fond of religion is traditional, a few adornment can be placed on divine table, for instance figure of Buddha, God, lection.

As a whole, put divine table to want to respect religious belief and tradition, keep divine with majestic atmosphere.
