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1. **立像供奉**:在家中或商铺里摆放关公的塑像或画像,并在每天或每月定期烧香祭拜,表达对他的敬意和祈求。

2. **设立关公庙**:在家中或商铺内特意设立一个小庙,供奉关公的神像,并定期举行祭拜活动。

3. **贴关公画像**:在家中或店铺门口贴关公的画像或挂关公的对联,以示对其的尊敬和信仰。

4. **祈福活动**:在关公生日或特殊的节日,参加与关公有关的祈福活动,向其祈求招财、保佑家庭或事业顺利。

5. **供奉祭品**:定期向关公供奉一些他喜欢的祭品,如鲜花、水果、美酒等,以示诚心和虔诚。



Close fair it is one of mammon in Chinese traditional belief, the money of action of his in an attempt to, practice that bless has consecrate a lot of kinds. It is the kind that a few common consecrate involve official action money below:

1.** stands like consecrate ** : Be in the home or put in business shop close fair statue or picture, be in everyday or hold a memorial ceremony for of every months of fixed burn joss sticks is done obeisance to, expression is mixed to his devoir invocatory.

2.** establishs close fair temple ** : Be in the home or a small temple is established designedly inside business shop, consecrate closes fair God, hold hold a memorial ceremony for to do obeisance to an activity regularly.

3.** sticks close general picture ** : Be in the home or stick at the door shop close general picture or hang close fair couplet, in order to show the respect to its and belief.

4.** of activity of ** pray blessing: Closing fair birthday or special red-letter day, attend with close communal the pray blessing activity that involve, xiang Jiqi seeks action money, bless a family or the career is successful.

5.** of ** consecrate oblation: Fixed to close fair consecrate a few oblation that he likes, wait like flower, fruit, beautiful wine, mix in order to show in earnest devotional.

No matter choose consecrate of which kinds of means,close fair, important is to should be cherished sincere desire and devotional, those who convey oneself is invocatory, and keep beneficent in daily life mix sincere letter, with period get closing to be blessed fairly mixing shelter.
