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1. 准备供奉物品:准备一张关公像,通常是木雕或画像,以及香烛和鲜花等供品。

2. 找一个合适的位置:选择一个安静、整洁的地方供奉关公,最好是在家中的神龛或特定的供奉区域。

3. 洁净身心:在供奉关公之前,先洗净双手和脸,心中默念诚挚的祈祷。

4. 摆放供品:将关公像摆放在供桌或神龛上,然后点燃香烛,摆放在关公像前,并摆放鲜花等其他供品。

5. 祷告祈求:站在关公像前,合掌祷告,表达对关公的尊敬和信仰,并向他祈求保佑和庇护。

6. 燃香敬拜:点燃香烛后,向关公像鞠躬三次,表示诚挚的敬意和虔诚的祈求。

7. 每日供奉:供奉关公通常是持续的仪式,每天或每周都会进行,以示对他的尊敬和信仰。



Consecrate closes fair normally need follows the following move:

1.Prepare consecrate article: Preparation closes one piece fair picture, it is woodcarving or picture normally, and the offerings such as joss sticks and candles and flower.

2.Seek an equal seat: Choose a quiet, neat place consecrate to close fair, had better be the shrine in the home or specific consecrate area.

3.Clean body and mind: Close in consecrate fair before, first abluent both hands and face, the silent in the heart reads aloud cordial prayer.

4.Put offerings: Will close fair resemble putting go up in altar or shrine, ignite joss sticks and candles next, put closing fair before resembling, put the other offerings such as the flower.

5.Devotional and invocatory: The station is closing fair before resembling, add up to palm prayer, express public to closing respect and belief, petition to bless and shelter to him.

6.Light sweet Jing Bai: After igniting joss sticks and candles, to close fair resemble bowing 3 times, state sincere tribute is mixed petition piously.

7.Daily consecrate: Consecrate closes fair it is persistent ceremony normally, everyday or weekly metropolis undertakes, in order to show the respect to him and belief.

Above is consecrate passes fair common measure, but particular way may be mixed because of district, tradition the individual is devotional and differ somewhat.
