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1. **准备合适的容器**:选择一个专门用来供奉关公的容器,最好是木制或者金属制的。容器的大小应该适合关公像和其他供品。

2. **尊重和仪式**:在搬移关公之前,进行简单的祭拜仪式是很重要的。这可以是点香、烧纸钱或者诵读经文,以表示对关公的尊重和祈祷。

3. **小心处理**:在搬运关公像时,要小心轻放,避免碰撞或者摔落,以免伤害到神像。最好让一个成年人搬动,尽量避免孩子或者年幼者来处理。

4. **重新安置**:在新的居所,选择一个安静、干净、明亮的地方供奉关公,最好放在离地面较高的位置,表示尊崇。

5. **祭拜和供奉**:搬迁后要再次进行祭拜仪式,表达对关公的敬意,并供奉新的供品,以示虔诚。



Move consecrate closes fair when need is particularly careful, because close fair it is deities, need esteem and ceremony. It is a few proposals below:

1.** prepares appropriate container ** : Choose to use consecrate technically to involve fair recipient, had better be ligneous or metal. The size of container should suit to close fair resemble and other offerings.

2.** esteem and ceremonial ** : Moving move close fair before, undertaking simple hold a memorial ceremony for do obeisance to a ceremony is very important. This can be a dot sweet, burn paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead or chant lection, respect and pray fairly to closing in order to express.

3.** tread lightly ** : Carrying close fair when resembling, want careful put down gently, avoid to collide or fall fall, lest harm,arrive God. Had better let an adult move, avoid the child as far as possible or year young person will handle.

4.** relocate ** : In new house place, choose a quiet, clean, bright place consecrate to close fair, had better put in higher from the ground position, express homage.

5.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to and consecrate ** : After removing, should undertake hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony again, express public to closing respect, and the offerings with new consecrate,

Anyhow, consecrate is carried to close fair need when move scrupulous, esteem deities, and maintain devotional state of mind.
