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1. 确定一个适当的地点:选择一个安静、整洁的地方,最好是居家的一角或者专门设置的祭祀台。

2. 准备祭品:根据家族传统和个人喜好,可以准备水果、鲜花、香烛、米饭、茶叶等供品。也可以根据祖先的生前喜好来准备特定的供品。

3. 设立祭坛:在选择的地点摆放一个祭坛,可以使用一块干净的桌布或者纸张作为祭坛,摆放祭品。

4. 祈祷和敬献:在每次祭祀时,可以虔诚地向祖先祈祷,表达对他们的敬意和怀念,并将准备好的供品摆放在祭坛上。

5. 定期祭拜:根据个人的信仰和习惯,可以选择每月、每季或者每年固定的时间进行祭拜,以表达对祖先的尊敬和纪念。



Consecrate ancestor can undertake through the following measure:

1.Fix a proper place: Choose a quiet, neat place, had better be the sacred stage that the one part that occupies the home sets technically perhaps.

2.Plan sacrificial offerings: According to familial tradition and individual be fond of, can plan the offerings such as fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles, rice, tea. OK also according to the ancestor before one's death be fond of will plan specific offerings.

3.Establish altar: The site that selecting puts an altar, can use a clean antependium or paper serves as altar, put oblation.

4.Pray and Jing Xian: Be in every time sacred when, can pray to the ancestor piously, convey the devoir to them and yearning, put ready offerings go up in altar.

5.Fixed hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to: According to the individual's belief and habit, the time that can choose every month, every season to be secured every year perhaps undertakes hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to, in order to convey the respect to the ancestor and souvenir.

Adopt above measure, you are OK earnestly and sincerely consecrate ancestor, and the tradition with familial inheritance and culture.
