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1. 在家中设置佛龛或佛台,摆放佛像、供品(如水果、鲜花等),虔诚地诵经或祈祷,祝福家人平安幸福。

2. 前往寺庙或道观,参拜佛祖,诚心礼拜,求平安吉祥。也可为家人诵经超度。

3. 念诵佛经或咒语,如《心经》、《金刚经》等,以此培养虔诚的佛教信仰,获得内心的平静与吉祥。

4. 做善事布施,如捐款、赠送物品给寺庙或贫困者,施善积德,庆祝新年到来。

5. 遵循佛教戒律,远离杀生、偷盗、邪淫等恶行,行善积德,以清净的身心迎接新的一年。



Everybody is in the New Year's Eve this main traditional festival, can come through the following kinds of means consecrate Budda:

1.Niche for a statue of Buddha or Buddha stage are set in the home, put figure of Buddha, offerings (wait for) like fruit, flower, piously Song classics or pray, beatific family is restful and happy.

2.Head for cloister or path view, budda of pay homage to, sincere chapel, beg restful and lucky. Also can be release souls from purgatory of family Song classics.

3.Recite sutra or abracadabra, be like " heart classics " , " Vajracchedika-sutra " etc, foster religious Buddhist belief with this, the calm that wins a heart and lucky.

4.Make donation of thing of be apt to, be like the contribution, person that give article to give cloister or poverty, apply accumulate virtue of be apt to, congratulatory New Year comes.

5.Abide by Buddhist commandment, be far from kill the evildoing such as excessive of unripe, pilfer, evil, accumulate virtue of do good works, receive a new year with kosher body and mind.

Anyhow, the means of consecrate Budda because of the person different, the key is to want the attitude with devotional, respect, pray Budda blesses domestic happiness, new Year progresses.
