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1. **选择合适的位置**:选择一个安静祥和、清洁整洁的地方供奉鬼神位。通常在家中的一隅或特定的祭祀室内会更合适。

2. **准备神台或神龛**:可以选择一个小的神龛或者神台来供奉鬼神位,这取决于你的个人喜好和空间大小。

3. **准备祭品**:供奉鬼神位时通常会放上一些祭品,如鲜花、水果、香烛、酒水、糕点等。根据你的信仰和所供奉的鬼神的特点选择合适的祭品。

4. **设立神像或神符**:根据你所崇拜的鬼神的形象,可以放置相应的神像或神符在神台或神龛上。

5. **进行祭祀仪式**:在特定的时间和日期,比如每月的特定日子或特定节日,进行供奉鬼神位的仪式。在仪式中,可以诵读经文、祈祷或者献上祭品。

6. **保持定期供奉**:保持定期的供奉活动,以表示对鬼神的尊敬和崇拜。



Consecrate ghosts and gods means because area, culture and individual are devotional and different. Generally speaking, consecrate ghosts and gods need a few basic measure and goods. It is ghosts and gods of a few consecrate below common method:

1.** chooses appropriate positional ** : Choose the local consecrate ghosts and gods with a quiet and auspicious, neat cleanness. The corner in the home or specific sacred and indoor meeting are normally more appropriate.

2.** prepares divine table or shrine ** : Can choose a small shrine magical perhaps the stage comes consecrate ghosts and gods, this depends on your individual be fond of and dimensional size.

3.** of ** preparation oblation: Consecrate ghosts and gods when can put on a few oblation normally, wait like water of flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles, wine, cake. Choose appropriate oblation according to the characteristic of the ghosts and gods of your belief and place consecrate.

4.** establishs God or ** of divine accord with: According to the figure of the ghosts and gods that you adore, can place corresponding God or divine accord with to be on divine table or shrine.

5.** undertakes sacred ceremony ** : In specific time and date, for instance specific date of every months or specific festival, undertake consecrate ghosts and gods ceremony. In the ceremony, can chant lection, pray or display on oblation.

6.** maintains fixed consecrate ** : Carry periodic consecrate activity, adore in order to state the respect to ghosts and gods is mixed.

In consecrate ghosts and gods when, want to respect custom habit of place and tradition, ensure do not offend any sensitive religion regulations or contraindication.

上一篇:灵位 怎么供奉英文双语对照