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  • 明明很困但上床后毫无睡意的现象可能是由多种因素导致的,包括生活习惯、环境因素和生理反应等。
    1. 年龄因素 - Age Factor

      • Age is often a factor in sleep difficulties, with older individuals experiencing more trouble falling asleep.
      • 年龄因素是导致入睡困难的一个原因,年龄较大的人更容易遇到入睡问题。
    2. 身体疾病 - Physical Health Issues

      • Chronic illnesses such as bronchitis or asthma can disrupt sleep if they flare up at night.
      • 慢性支气管炎、哮喘等疾病在晚上发作时会影响到患者的正常睡眠。
    3. 心理疾病 - Mental Health Disorders

      • Mental health issues like depression and anxiety can lead to insomnia, as can high stress and tension in general.
      • 当患者有抑郁症、焦虑症等心理疾病时也有可能出现无法入睡,同时正常人压力大、精神紧张也会导致失眠的发生。
    4. 环境因素 - Environmental Factors

      • A noisy or brightly lit environment before sleep can interfere with the ability to fall asleep.
      • 入睡前周围的噪音太大、光线很强也会影响正常入睡。
    5. 生活习惯 - Lifestyle Habits

      • Unhealthy habits such as using electronic devices before bed can overstimulate the brain, making it harder to fall asleep even when tired.
      • 不健康的生活习惯,比如长时间玩电子游戏或使用其他电子设备,可能会过度刺激大脑,使得身体即便疲惫也难以入睡。
    6. 建立良好的床与睡眠关系 - Establishing a Good Relationship with the Bed

      • Doctors suggest that not establishing a good relationship with the bed can lead to difficulty falling asleep. This means that if you associate your bed with activities other than sleep, such as watching TV or using your phone, your body may not recognize it as a place for rest.
      • 医生指出,没有与床建立良好的关系可能导致入睡困难。这意味着如果你将床与睡眠以外的活动联系起来,如看电视或使用手机,你的身体可能不会将其识别为休息的地方。


    • It is recommended to create a relaxing bedtime routine, avoid stimulating activities before sleep, and ensure a quiet and dark sleep environment.
    • 建议建立一个放松的睡前例行程序,睡前避免刺激性活动,并确保睡眠环境安静且光线暗淡。