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  • Cherries are a type of fruit that belong to the genus Prunus, which also includes plums, apricots, and peaches. They are known for their sweet taste and can be red, yellow, or even black in color. Cherries are rich in antioxidants and are often used in desserts, jams, and as a topping for ice cream and yogurt.   樱桃属于李属植物,也包括李子、杏子和桃子。它们以其甜味而闻名,颜色可以是红色、黄色甚至黑色。樱桃富含抗氧化剂,常用于甜点、果酱,以及作为冰淇淋和酸奶的配料。


      - Cherry: 樱桃 - Cherry tree: 樱桃树 - Cherry blossom: 樱花 - Cherry tomato: 樱桃番茄 - Sour cherry: 酸樱桃 - Sweet cherry: 甜樱桃 - Cherry pit: 樱桃核 - Cherry orchard: 樱桃园 - Cherry picking: 樱桃采摘 - Cherry season: 樱桃季节  


      The Joy of Cherry Season   As spring blossoms into summer, the cherry trees in the orchard come to life with a vibrant display of pink and white flowers. It's the season when the air is filled with the sweet fragrance of cherries ripening on the branches.   随着春天过渡到夏天,果园中的樱桃树以粉红和白色的花朵生机勃勃地绽放。这是樱桃在枝头成熟的季节,空气中弥漫着甜美的香气。   Families gather to pick cherries, enjoying the warm sun and the laughter of children as they fill their baskets with the juicy, ruby-red fruits. The cherries are not only a treat for the taste buds but also a symbol of the fleeting beauty of nature.   家庭们聚集在一起采摘樱桃,享受温暖的阳光和孩子们的欢笑声,他们用篮子装满了多汁的红宝石般的果实。樱桃不仅是味蕾的享受,也是自然短暂美丽的象征。   In the kitchen, the cherries are transformed into pies, jams, and smoothies, each recipe a celebration of the season's bounty. The joy of cherry season is not just in the eating, but in the shared moments of harvest and the anticipation of the sweet treats to come.   在厨房里,樱桃被制成馅饼、果酱和冰沙,每道食谱都是对季节丰收的庆祝。樱桃季节的喜悦不仅在于品尝,还在于收获的共享时刻和对即将到来的甜蜜美食的期待。


      The Cherry Tree's Gift   Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the valley, there was a cherry tree that bore the sweetest cherries. Every year, the villagers would eagerly await the cherry season, knowing that the tree's gifts would bring joy and prosperity.   从前,在一个坐落在山谷中的小村庄里,有一棵樱桃树,它结出的樱桃是最甜美的。每年,村民们都会热切地期待樱桃季节的到来,知道这棵树的礼物将带来快乐和繁荣。   One year, a young girl named Lily was too sick to join the cherry picking. The villagers, knowing her love for cherries, decided to bring her a basket of the ripest cherries. As Lily ate the cherries, her spirits lifted, and she felt the warmth of the community's care.   有一年,一个名叫莉莉的小女孩生病了,不能加入采摘樱桃的行列。村民们知道她喜欢樱桃,决定给她送去一篮子最熟的樱桃。当莉莉吃着樱桃时,她的精神振奋起来,感受到了社区关怀的温暖。   The cherry tree, with its generous fruits, not only nourished the villagers but also taught them the value of sharing and caring for one another. And so, the cherry tree became a symbol of unity and hope in the village.   樱桃树,以其慷慨的果实,不仅滋养了村民,还教会了他们相互分享和关怀的价值。因此,樱桃树成为了村庄团结和希望的象征。