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  • Candles have been used for thousands of years as a source of light. They are typically made of wax, which can be beeswax, paraffin, or other types of wax. Candles are lit by a wick that is soaked in the melted wax and then ignited. They are used for various purposes, including illumination, decoration, and religious ceremonies.   蜡烛作为光源已经使用了数千年。它们通常由蜡制成,可以是蜂蜡、石蜡或其他类型的蜡。蜡烛通过浸在熔化的蜡中的灯芯点燃。蜡烛用于多种目的,包括照明、装饰和宗教仪式。  


      - Candle: 蜡烛 - Wax: 蜡 - Wick: 灯芯 - Beeswax: 蜂蜡 - Paraffin: 石蜡 - Scented candle: 香薰蜡烛 - Pillar candle: 柱形蜡烛 - Tea light: 小蜡烛 - Candle holder: 蜡烛台 - Candlelight: 烛光 - Candlelit: 蜡烛照明的 - To light a candle: 点燃蜡烛  


      The Warmth of Candlelight   Candlelight has a unique charm that no electric light can replicate. It casts a soft, flickering glow that creates an intimate atmosphere, perfect for a romantic dinner or a cozy evening at home.   烛光有一种独特的魅力,是任何电灯都无法复制的。它投射出柔和、摇曳的光芒,营造出一个亲密的氛围,非常适合浪漫的晚餐或在家度过温馨的夜晚。   The scent of a scented candle can fill a room with a calming aroma, helping to reduce stress and create a peaceful environment. Candles are also used during special occasions, such as birthday parties, weddings, and religious events, where their light symbolizes hope and celebration.   香薰蜡烛的香气可以充满整个房间,帮助减轻压力,创造一个宁静的环境。蜡烛也用于特殊场合,如生日派对、婚礼和宗教活动,它们的光亮象征着希望和庆祝。   In the past, candles were a primary source of light, and their use was essential for survival. Today, while we have modern lighting options, candles still hold a special place in our hearts and homes, reminding us of simpler times and the beauty of natural light.   在过去,蜡烛是主要的光源,它们的使用对生存至关重要。今天,尽管我们有现代的照明选择,蜡烛仍然在我们的心中和家中占有特殊的位置,提醒我们更简单的时光和自然光的美丽。  


      The Little Candle's Big Dream   In a small shop, there was a little candle that had never been lit. It watched as people came and went, always choosing the bigger, brighter candles. The little candle felt sad and wondered if it would ever be used.   在一个小店里,有一根从未被点燃过的小蜡烛。它看着人们来来往往,总是选择更大、更亮的蜡烛。小蜡烛感到悲伤,想知道它是否会被使用。   One day, a little girl entered the shop and noticed the lonely little candle. She picked it up and said, "You're perfect for my birthday cake!" The little candle was filled with joy. It was finally going to shine and bring light to the world.   有一天,一个小女孩走进了小店,注意到了孤独的小蜡烛。她拿起蜡烛说:“你正好适合我的蛋糕!”小蜡烛充满了喜悦。它终于要发光,给世界带来光明了。   That night, as the little candle burned brightly on the cake, it realized that even the smallest light can make a big difference. Its light brought happiness to the birthday girl and her friends, proving that every candle has a purpose, no matter how small.   那晚,当小蜡烛在蛋糕上明亮地燃烧时,它意识到即使是最小的光也能产生巨大的影响。它的光亮给生日女孩和她的朋友们带来了快乐,证明了每根蜡烛无论多小都有其存在的意义。