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  • 关于婚姻的英语词汇及短语: 1. Marriage - 婚姻 2. Wedding - 婚礼 3. Vows - 誓言 4. Nuptials - 婚礼 5. Matrimony - 结婚 6. Spouse - 配偶 7. Partner - 伴侣 8. Union - 结合 9. Commitment - 承诺 10. Engagement - 订婚 11. Ring - 戒指 12. Wedding ceremony - 婚礼仪式 13. Wedding reception - 婚宴 14. Honeymoon - 蜜月 15. Wedding vows - 婚礼誓言 16. Wedding anniversary - 结婚纪念日 17. Prenuptial agreement - 婚前协议 18. Divorce - 离婚 19. Separation - 分居 20. Alimony - 赡养费   关于婚姻的英语作文: Marriage is a sacred bond between two individuals, a union that signifies love, trust, and commitment. It is a journey that begins with a promise to stand by each other through all of life's ups and downs. A successful marriage requires understanding, patience, and mutual respect. It is not just about sharing the good times, but also about supporting each other during difficult times. A strong marriage is built on the foundation of trust and open communication. It is a partnership where both partners contribute equally and grow together.   婚姻是两个人之间神圣的纽带,一种象征着爱、信任和承诺的结合。这是一段始于相互承诺,无论生活如何起伏都要携手同行的旅程。成功的婚姻需要理解、耐心和相互尊重。它不仅仅是分享美好时光,也是在困难时期相互支持。一个坚固的婚姻建立在信任和开放沟通的基础上。它是双方平等贡献、共同成长的伙伴关系。   关于婚姻的英语格言/名言/习语: 1. "Marriage is not a word; it is a sentiment." - Jane Austen    婚姻不是一个词,而是一种情感。——简·奥斯汀   2. "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person." - Molière    成功的婚姻需要多次坠入爱河,每次都与同一个人。——莫里哀   3. "Marriage is the only adventure open to the cowardly." - Voltaire    婚姻是唯一向胆小者开放的冒险。——伏尔泰   4. "A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short." - André Maurois    幸福的婚姻是一场似乎永远也谈不完的长对话。——安德烈·莫洛亚   5. "Marriage is not a noun; it's a verb." - Elizabeth Gilbert    婚姻不是一个名词,它是一个动词。——伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特   6. "A good marriage is one which allows for change and growth in the same direction." - Pearl S. Buck    一个好的婚姻是允许双方朝着同一方向变化和成长的。——赛珍珠   7. "The most important thing in the world is family and the most important thing in the family is married life." - Aristotle    世界上最重要的事情是家庭,而家庭中最重要的事情是婚姻生活。——亚里士多德   8. "Marriage is not a joke, but a solemn undertaking." - Oscar Wilde    婚姻不是笑话,而是一项庄严的承诺。——奥斯卡·王尔德   9. "Marriage is a great institution, but I'm not ready for an institution yet." - Groucho Marx    婚姻是一个伟大的制度,但我还没准备好进这样的制度。——格劳乔·马克斯   10. "Marriage is like a deck of cards. In the beginning all you need is two hearts and a diamond." - Unknown     婚姻就像一副扑克牌。开始时你只需要两张心和一颗钻石。——佚名