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  • Zebras are a species of wild horses native to Africa. They are known for their distinctive black and white stripes, which serve as a form of camouflage in the grasslands where they live. Zebras belong to the family Equidae, which also includes horses and donkeys.   斑马是非洲原产的一种野生马。它们以其独特的黑白条纹而闻名,这些条纹在它们生活的草原上起到了伪装的作用。斑马属于马科,这个科也包括马和驴。  


      - Zebra: 斑马 - Stripes: 条纹 - Camouflage: 伪装 - Grasslands: 草原 - Equidae: 马科 - Social animals: 群居动物 - Herd: 群体 - Graze: 吃草 - Predator: 捕食者 - Striped coat: 条纹外套 - Biodiversity: 生物多样性  


      The Zebras of the African Savannah   In the heart of Africa lies the savannah, a vast expanse of grasslands where life thrives. Among the many species that call this place home, the zebra stands out with its unique black and white stripes. These stripes are not just a matter of aesthetics; they serve a crucial role in the survival of the zebra.   非洲的中心地带是草原,这是一片广阔的草地,生命在这里蓬勃发展。在众多栖息于此的物种中,斑马以其独特的黑白条纹脱颖而出。这些条纹不仅仅是审美上的特征;它们在斑马的生存中扮演着至关重要的角色。   Zebras live in large social groups known as herds, which provide safety and companionship. Their stripes help them blend into the tall grasses, making it difficult for predators to spot them individually. This collective defense mechanism is a testament to the power of unity and the wisdom of nature.   斑马生活在被称为群体的大型社交群体中,这为它们提供了安全和陪伴。它们的条纹帮助它们融入高大的草丛中,使捕食者难以单独识别它们。这种集体防御机制是团结力量和自然智慧的证明。   The zebra's stripes also create an optical illusion, confusing predators during a chase. This adaptation is a remarkable example of how evolution has shaped these animals to thrive in their environment.   斑马的条纹还创造了一种视觉错觉,在追逐过程中迷惑捕食者。这种适应性是进化如何塑造这些动物以在其环境中茁壮成长的一个显著例子。   As we observe the zebras in their natural habitat, we are reminded of the importance of preserving biodiversity. Each species, with its unique characteristics, contributes to the balance of the ecosystem.   当我们观察这些斑马在其自然栖息地时,我们被提醒到保护生物多样性的重要性。每一个物种,凭借其独特的特征,都对生态系统的平衡做出了贡献。