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  • Snowing refers to the phenomenon that occurs when water vapor in the air condenses into ice crystals and falls to the ground during cold weather. During snowfall, the water vapor in the atmosphere turns into snowflakes through cooling and condensation, and then falls to the ground.   Snowfall has different meanings for different countries and regions. In winter-long, cold areas like Northern Europe and Canada, snow is a common natural phenomenon and is often seen as a beautiful landscape. However, in some warm areas, snow may cause traffic congestion and inconvenience.   At the same time, snowfall also affects people's daily lives. In snowy weather, people need to pay attention to warmth and safety to avoid slipping and traffic accidents. But for those who enjoy winter sports and outdoor activities, snow is an ideal condition.   In conclusion, snowfall is a natural phenomenon that has both beautiful landscapes and affects people's lives.

    下雪是指天气寒冷时,水汽在空气中凝结成冰晶并落到地面上形成的现象。下雪时,大气中的水汽通过冷却和凝结变成了雪花,并随后落在地面上。   下雪对于各个国家和地区来说都有不同的意义。在北欧、加拿大等冬季长、寒冷的地区,下雪是常见的自然现象,并且往往被视为美丽的景观。而在一些温暖的地区,下雪则可能会引起交通堵塞和不便。   同时,下雪也会对人们的日常生活产生影响。在下雪天气下,人们需要注意保暖和安全,避免滑倒和交通事故。但对于那些喜欢冬季运动和户外活动的人来说,下雪则是一个理想的条件。   总之,下雪是一个自然的现象,既有美丽的景观,又对人们的生活产生影响。  


    Snowflake: 雪花
    Snowstorm: 暴风雪
    Snowfall: 降雪
    Snow-covered: 积雪覆盖的
    Snow-capped: 山顶部被雪覆盖的
    Blizzard: 大风雪
    Drifting snow: 飘雪
    Snowdrift: 堆雪
    Snow shower: 阵雪
    Light snow: 小雪
    Heavy snow: 大雪
    Flurry: 阵雪/小雪
    Ice: 冰
    Frost: 霜
    Icicle: 冰柱
    Sled: 雪橇
    Snowball: 雪球
    Snowman: 雪人
    Skiing: 滑雪
    Snowboarding: 单板滑雪


    Now, it's winter that I like most. In my city, it often snows in winter. Last night, the first snow of this winter came. It was heavy. This morning, when I opened the curtains of my room, my eyes were full filled with white. It was so amazing and I miss this beautiful scenery a lot.


    I put on warm cloth and go to school happily, because it's play time for me and my classmates. We can play many interesting games with snow.

