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  • 毛衣(Sweater)是冬季必备的保暖衣物,它有多种款式和材质,适合不同的天气和场合。在英语中,毛衣的表达方式多样,可以根据其特点和风格进行描述。例如,蓬松毛衣(Fluffy sweater)、露肩毛衣(Off-shoulder sweater)、立领毛衣(Turtleneck sweater)、网眼毛衣(Openwork sweater)、不对称下摆毛衣(Asymmetric hem sweater)等。毛衣不仅能够提供温暖,还能作为时尚单品,搭配各种服饰,展现出不同的风格。  


    - Sweater: 毛衣 - Cardigan: 开襟毛衣 - Turtleneck: 高领毛衣 - Pullover: 套头毛衣 - Knitwear: 针织衣物 - Wool: 羊毛 - Cashmere: 开司米(一种高档羊毛) - Fleece: 抓绒(一种保暖材料) - Ribbed: 棱纹(指毛衣上的纹理) - Cable knit: 缆绳纹(一种针织图案) - Crew neck: 圆领 - V-neck: V领 - Long sleeve: 长袖 - Short sleeve: 短袖 - Layering: 叠穿(一种穿衣风格,指在毛衣外面再穿其他衣物)  


    As the chilly autumn breeze turns into the biting cold of winter, there's nothing quite like the comfort of a cozy sweater. A sweater is more than just a piece of clothing; it's a warm embrace that wraps around you, shielding you from the frosty air and keeping you snug.   随着凉爽的秋风变成刺骨的寒冬,没有什么比一件舒适的毛衣更能带来温暖了。毛衣不仅仅是一件衣物,它是温暖的拥抱,围绕着你,保护你免受寒冷空气的侵袭,让你感到舒适。   Sweaters come in a variety of styles and materials, catering to different tastes and needs. From the soft and luxurious cashmere to the warm and fuzzy fleece, there's a sweater for every occasion. The classic turtleneck provides a chic and sophisticated look, while a cable knit sweater evokes a sense of nostalgia and comfort. For a more casual and laid-back vibe, a crew neck or V-neck sweater is perfect.   毛衣有多种款式和材质,满足不同的品味和需求。从柔软奢华的开司米到温暖而毛茸茸的抓绒,总有一款毛衣适合每一个场合。经典的高领毛衣提供了一种时尚而精致的感觉,而缆绳纹毛衣则唤起了怀旧和舒适的感觉。对于更休闲和放松的氛围,圆领或V领毛衣是完美的选择。   Layering a sweater with other garments is a popular fashion trend, allowing you to create a stylish and versatile look. Pair a lightweight sweater with a blazer for a smart casual outfit, or wear a chunky knit under a coat for extra warmth. The versatility of a sweater makes it a staple in every wardrobe.   将毛衣与其他衣物叠穿是一种流行的时尚趋势,让你能够创造出时尚多变的造型。将轻薄的毛衣搭配西装外套,打造智能休闲装;或者在大衣下穿一件厚实的针织毛衣,增加保暖性。毛衣的多样性使其成为每个衣橱中的必备单品。   In conclusion, a sweater is not just a garment; it's a symbol of comfort, style, and the changing seasons. As the temperature drops, remember to reach for your favorite sweater and embrace the warmth it brings.   总之,毛衣不仅仅是一件衣物;它是舒适、风格和季节变化的象征。随着气温下降,记得穿上你最喜欢的毛衣,拥抱它带来的温暖。