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  • 年夜饭,也称为团圆饭(Family Reunion Dinner),是中国农历新年除夕夜的传统习俗。在这一天,无论人们身处何方,都会尽可能回到家中与家人团聚,共享丰盛的晚餐。年夜饭的菜肴通常富含象征意义,如鱼(寓意年年有余)、饺子(象征财富和好运)等。  


    - New Year's Eve Dinner: 年夜饭 - Family Reunion Dinner: 团圆饭 - Lunar New Year's Eve: 除夕 - Reunion: 团聚 - Feast: 盛宴 - Symbolic dishes: 象征性菜肴 - Prosperity: 繁荣 - Wealth: 财富 - Good fortune: 好运 - Dumplings (Jiaozi): 饺子 - Fish: 鱼(寓意年年有余) - Glutinous Rice Cake (Niangao): 年糕(寓意步步高升)  


    The New Year's Eve Dinner, also known as the Family Reunion Dinner, is a cherished tradition in Chinese culture. It is a time when families come together to celebrate the end of the old year and the beginning of the new one. This meal is not just about eating; it is a time for reflection, gratitude, and hope for the future.   年夜饭,也称为团圆饭,是中国传统文化中备受珍视的习俗。这是一个家人团聚的时刻,共同庆祝旧年的结束和新年的开始。这顿饭不仅仅是为了吃,更是一个反思、感恩和对未来充满希望的时刻。   The dishes served during the New Year's Eve Dinner are often chosen for their symbolic meanings. For instance, fish represents abundance and prosperity, while dumplings symbolize wealth and good fortune. These dishes are not only delicious but also carry the wishes for a prosperous and fortunate new year.   年夜饭上的菜肴通常因其象征意义而被选择。例如,鱼代表丰裕和繁荣,而饺子象征财富和好运。这些菜肴不仅美味,也承载着对新一年繁荣和好运的祈愿。   In recent years, with the rise of online food delivery services, many people have opted to order their New Year's Eve Dinner from restaurants, making it more convenient for those who cannot gather with their families. This trend reflects the adaptability of traditional customs to modern lifestyles.   近年来,随着在线订餐服务的兴起,许多人选择从餐厅订购年夜饭,这对于那些无法与家人团聚的人来说更加方便。这一趋势反映了传统习俗对现代生活方式的适应性。   In conclusion, the New Year's Eve Dinner is a beautiful tradition that brings families together and symbolizes the hope and joy of the coming year. It is a time to cherish the bonds of family and to look forward to the blessings that the new year may bring.   总之,年夜饭是一个美好的传统,它将家人聚集在一起,象征着对来年希望和喜悦。这是一个珍惜家庭纽带,期待新年带来祝福的时刻。