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  • According to a survey by the National Business Daily, only 20 percent of employees expect their year-end bonus to be more generous than last year's, despite the inflation rate reaching 4.4 percent. This indicates that the economic pressures are affecting the bonuses that employees receive at the end of the year.   根据《每日经济新闻》的一项调查,尽管通货膨胀率达到了4.4%,只有20%的员工预计他们今年的年终奖会比去年更丰厚。这表明经济压力正在影响员工在年末收到的奖金。   Year-end bonuses come in various forms, with many companies adopting the double pay rule, while others distribute shopping cards or other physical items as rewards. Some companies also offer performance-based bonuses, which are directly linked to an employee's achievements throughout the year.   年终奖有多种形式,许多公司采用双薪制,也有公司发放购物卡或其他实物作为奖励。一些公司还提供基于绩效的奖金,这直接与员工全年的成就挂钩。


    - Year-end bonus: 年终奖   - Performance-based bonus: 基于绩效的奖金   - Double pay rule: 双薪制   - Shopping cards: 购物卡   - Performance: 绩效   - Incentive: 激励   - Employee benefits: 员工福利   - Annual review: 年度评估   - Financial reward: 财务奖励   - Employee motivation: 员工激励   - Year-end party: 年会   - Lucky draw: 抽奖   - Raffle: 抽奖活动


    The Significance of the Year-End Bonus   The year-end bonus is a cherished tradition in many companies, serving as a token of appreciation for employees' hard work and dedication throughout the year. It is not just a financial reward; it is a symbol of recognition and a way to boost morale.   年终奖是许多公司珍视的传统,作为对员工一年辛勤工作和奉献的感谢。它不仅仅是一种财务奖励;它是一种认可的象征,也是提升士气的方式。   This bonus is often calculated based on an employee's performance, which encourages them to strive for excellence and contribute positively to the company's growth. It is a time when employees reflect on their achievements and look forward to the opportunities that the new year may bring.   这种奖金通常根据员工的表现来计算,鼓励他们追求卓越,积极为公司的成长做出贡献。这是员工回顾自己成就并期待新年可能带来的机会的时刻。   However, the year-end bonus can also be a source of anxiety, as employees eagerly await the announcement, hoping for a generous reward that will help them celebrate the holidays and plan for the future. The anticipation builds as the end of the year approaches, and the bonus becomes a topic of discussion among colleagues.   然而,年终奖也可能成为焦虑的来源,因为员工们急切地等待宣布,希望得到丰厚的奖励,帮助他们庆祝假期并为未来做计划。随着年末的临近,这种期待在同事间的话题中不断升温。   In conclusion, the year-end bonus is a significant part of the corporate culture, fostering a sense of community and gratitude among employees. It is a reminder that hard work is valued and that success is shared by all.   总之,年终奖是企业文化的重要组成部分,它在员工之间培养了一种社区感和感激之情。它提醒我们,辛勤工作是有价值的,成功是大家共同分享的。