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My Cousin 我的表妹 一个对世界充满好奇的小天使


My Cousin 我的表妹 一个对世界充满好奇的小天使

  • 表妹是我的好朋友,我们彼此之间有着深厚的感情。她一个对世界充满好奇的小天使,我们虽然不能经常见面,但每次见面都会像老朋友一样亲切。以下是3篇关于我的表妹的英语作文,希望你会喜欢!

    1. My Cousin: A Budding Artist

    My cousin, Emily, is a young artist whose creativity knows no bounds. She has a unique way of seeing the world, and her artwork reflects the beauty and wonder she finds in everyday life.   我的表妹艾米丽是一位年轻的艺术家,她的创造力无穷无尽。她有一种独特的看待世界的方式,她的艺术作品反映了她在日常生活中发现的美丽和奇迹。   Emily is only twelve years old, but her talent is already evident. She spends hours in her room, sketching and painting, lost in her own world of colors and shapes. Her favorite subjects are nature and animals, which she captures with a level of detail and emotion that is remarkable for her age.   艾米丽只有十二岁,但她的才华已经显而易见。她会在自己的房间里花上几个小时,沉浸在素描和绘画中,迷失在她自己的色彩和形状世界里。她最喜欢的主题是自然和动物,她以令人惊叹的细节和情感捕捉这些主题,这对于她的年龄来说非常了不起。   One of her most impressive works is a mural she painted in our family's garden. The vibrant colors and intricate designs brought the space to life, and it has become a cherished spot for all of us. Emily's art has a way of making people stop and appreciate the beauty around them, and I am proud to have such a talented cousin.   她最令人印象深刻的作品之一是我们家族花园里的壁画。那些鲜艳的色彩和复杂的设计让空间焕发了生机,它已经成为我们所有人珍爱的地方。艾米丽的艺术有一种让人们停下来欣赏周围美景的能力,我为有这样一位才华横溢的表妹感到骄傲。   In conclusion, my cousin Emily is not just a cousin; she is a source of inspiration and joy. Her art reminds me that creativity is a gift that can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. I look forward to seeing her talents continue to grow and flourish.   总之,我的表妹艾米丽不仅仅是一个表妹;她是一个灵感和快乐的源泉。她的艺术提醒我,创造力是一种能够将平凡变为非凡的礼物。我期待着看到她的才华继续成长和绽放。  

    2. My Cousin: The Little Scientist

    My cousin, Jack, has always been fascinated by the world of science. His curiosity and determination to understand how things work have made him a little scientist in our family.   我的表弟杰克一直对科学世界充满好奇。他对事物运作方式的好奇心和决心让他成为了我们家族中的小科学家。   Jack is only nine, but he has a collection of science books that would rival any adult's. He loves to read about the latest scientific discoveries and experiments, and he often spends his weekends conducting his own mini-experiments at home. His enthusiasm for learning is contagious, and he has inspired me to explore the wonders of science as well.   杰克只有九岁,但他拥有的科学书籍收藏可以与任何成年人媲美。他喜欢阅读关于最新科学发现和实验的内容,他经常在周末在家里进行自己的微型实验。他对学习的热情是具有传染性的,他激励我也去探索科学的奇迹。   One memorable moment was when Jack built a small solar-powered car for his school science fair. He spent weeks researching and perfecting his design, and his hard work paid off when his car won first prize. His success was a testament to his dedication and the power of curiosity.   一个难忘的时刻是杰克为他学校的科学展览会建造了一辆小型太阳能汽车。他花了数周时间研究和完善他的设计,他的努力得到了回报,他的车赢得了第一名。他的成功证明了他的奉献精神和好奇心的力量。   In conclusion, my cousin Jack is a shining example of what can be achieved with a curious mind and a love for learning. I am grateful to have him as a role model and look forward to seeing what new scientific adventures he will embark on next.   总之,我的表弟杰克是一个好奇头脑和对学习热爱所能成就的典范。我很感激能有他作为榜样,并期待看到他接下来将踏上哪些新的科学冒险。  

    3. My Cousin: The Little Chef

    My cousin, Lucy, has a passion for cooking that is truly remarkable. At just ten years old, she has already mastered the art of creating delicious meals from simple ingredients.   我的表妹露西对烹饪的热情确实令人印象深刻。年仅十岁,她已经掌握了用简单食材制作美味佳肴的艺术。   Lucy's love for cooking began when she was just a toddler, watching her mother in the kitchen. Now, she spends her free time experimenting with recipes and creating dishes that are both tasty and healthy. Her culinary skills have impressed not only our family but also her friends, who eagerly await her latest culinary creations.   露西对烹饪的热爱始于她还是个蹒跚学步的孩子时,看着她母亲在厨房里忙碌。现在,她利用空闲时间尝试各种食谱,创造出既美味又健康的菜肴。她的烹饪技巧不仅让我们家人印象深刻,也让朋友们期待她最新的烹饪作品。   One of Lucy's signature dishes is her homemade pizza. She takes great pride in making the dough from scratch and selecting the freshest toppings. Her pizzas are always a hit at family gatherings, and she is always eager to share her secrets with others.   露西的招牌菜之一是她自制的披萨。她非常自豪地从头开始制作面团,并挑选最新鲜的配料。她的披萨在家庭聚会上总是大受欢迎,她总是乐于与他人分享她的秘密。   In conclusion, my cousin Lucy is not just a little chef; she is a culinary genius in the making. Her passion for cooking and her ability to create delicious meals are truly inspiring. I am excited to see what culinary adventures she will embark on as she continues to grow and learn.   总之,我的表妹露西不仅仅是一个小厨师;她是一个正在成长的烹饪天才。她对烹饪的热情和创造美味佳肴的能力确实令人鼓舞。我期待着看到她在继续成长和学习的过程中将踏上哪些烹饪冒险。