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  • 车厘子的英文名是"cherry",属于樱桃科植物。它是一种小型水果,通常呈圆形或略带心形,表皮光滑,颜色有红、黄等多种品种。车厘子是夏季的水果,口感酸甜可口,受到很多人的喜爱。   车厘子是营养丰富的水果,富含维生素C和抗氧化剂,有助于提高免疫力和预防疾病。此外,车厘子还含有丰富的纤维和矿物质,有助于促进消化和维持身体健康。


    1. Cherry tree - 车厘子树 2. Cherry orchard - 车厘子园 3. Cherry blossom - 樱花 4. Cherry picking - 采摘车厘子 5. Cherry pie - 车厘子派 6. Cherry juice - 车厘子汁 7. Cherry jam - 车厘子酱


      Cherries are one of my favorite fruits. They are small, round, and have a shiny red or yellow skin. The taste of cherries is sweet and sour, which I find very refreshing.   Cherries are usually in season during the summer, and they are a popular snack and ingredient in many desserts. I love to eat cherries on their own, but they can also be used to make cherry pies, cherry jam, and even cherry juice.   Not only are cherries delicious, but they are also packed with nutrients. They are a good source of vitamin C and antioxidants, which can help boost the immune system and protect against diseases. Cherries also contain fiber and minerals that promote digestion and overall health.   Whenever I see a bowl of cherries, I can't resist reaching for one. Their vibrant color and juicy flesh make them irresistible. Whether I'm enjoying them as a snack or using them in a recipe, cherries always bring a burst of flavor to my day.   关于车厘子的英语作文:   车厘子是我最喜欢的水果之一。它们小巧圆润,皮肤光滑,呈现出鲜艳的红色或黄色。车厘子的口感既甜又酸,非常清爽。   车厘子通常在夏季盛产,它们是一种受欢迎的零食和许多甜点的配料。我喜欢单独吃车厘子,但它们也可以用来制作车厘子派、车厘子酱,甚至是车厘子汁。   车厘子不仅美味,而且富含营养。它们是维生素C和抗氧化剂的良好来源,可以帮助增强免疫系统并防止疾病。车厘子还含有纤维和矿物质,有助于促进消化和维持身体健康。   每当我看到一碗车厘子,我就忍不住伸手拿一个。它们鲜艳的颜色和多汁的果肉令人无法抗拒。无论我是将其作为零食还是用于烹饪,车厘子总能给我的日子带来一丝美妙的滋味。