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  • 寒假期间,父母可以通过与孩子一起确定寒假期间的学习目标、鼓励孩子自己规划学习内容等方式来安排孩子的学习,确保孩子有足够的睡眠,均衡的饮食,以及适量的运动,让孩子度过一个充实愉快的假期。

    关于小学生寒假作业的英语作文 1. My Winter Vacation Homework

    Last winter vacation, I had a lot of homework to do. I had to finish three math workbooks, read two English books, and write a report on the history of my hometown. At first, I felt overwhelmed because there was so much to do. But I made a plan and started working on my homework every day. I divided my tasks into smaller parts and focused on one thing at a time. By the end of the vacation, I had completed all my homework and even had some time to play with my friends. I learned that planning and staying organized can make even the most challenging tasks easier.



    关于小学生寒假作业的英语作文 2. Enjoying My Winter Break

    Winter break is my favorite time of the year. This year, I had a lot of fun doing my homework. I learned about different cultures by reading books and watching videos. I also practiced my math skills with fun games and puzzles. My parents and I even went to the library to find more interesting books to read. I also made a scrapbook of my winter vacation experiences. I enjoyed every moment of my break and felt ready for the new school term when it started.



    关于小学生寒假作业的英语作文 3. Balancing Play and Study

    During the winter vacation, I had to find a balance between play and study. I made a schedule that allowed me to finish my homework in the morning and play in the afternoon. I enjoyed playing with my friends, building snowmen, and having snowball fights. But I also made sure to read my books and practice my math problems. My parents helped me with my homework, and we had fun learning together. By the end of the vacation, I was proud of what I had accomplished and excited to share my experiences with my classmates.



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