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  • "调休"在英语中通常被称为"change one's shift to get leave later",这是指员工将原本的休息日调整到其他时间,以便在需要时获得连续的休息时间。例如,为了延长假期,员工可能会在工作日工作,然后在周末休息,这就是调休的一种形式。

    在某些公司,加班不以加班费的形式补偿,而是通过提供额外的休假时间,这在英语中被称为"comp time",即补偿时间。员工可以在适当的时候使用这些额外的休假时间。


    - Change one's shift: 调换班次

    - Get leave later: 稍后休假

    - Comp time: 补偿时间(加班补偿的休假)

    - Overtime compensation: 加班补偿

    - Flexible work schedule: 弹性工作制

    - Annual leave: 年假

    - Public holiday: 公共假期

    - Workday: 工作日

    - Weekend: 周末


    The Art of Balancing Work and Rest: Comp Time

    In the fast-paced world of today, the concept of work-life balance has become increasingly important. One way companies address this is by offering comp time, a system that allows employees to earn additional time off for the hours they've worked beyond their regular schedule.

    在当今快节奏的世界中,工作与休息的平衡变得越来越重要。公司解决这个问题的一种方式是通过提供补偿时间(comp time),这是一种让员工为他们超出正常工作时间的小时数赚取额外休假时间的制度。

    Comp time is a flexible arrangement that gives employees the freedom to choose when they want to take their extra days off. This can be particularly beneficial during peak seasons when work demands are high, and employees may not have the luxury of taking time off immediately.


    However, it's important for both employers and employees to manage comp time effectively. Employers should ensure that employees are not overworked and that they have the opportunity to use their comp time. Employees, on the other hand, should plan their comp time wisely to avoid burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance.


    In conclusion, comp time is a valuable tool for promoting employee well-being and satisfaction. When used correctly, it can lead to a more productive and happier workforce.

