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  • 立交桥,也被称为交通立交或飞越桥,是现代城市基础设施的重要组成部分。它的设计目的是为了促进交通流畅,减少繁忙道路上的交通拥堵。立交桥允许车辆互不干扰地交叉,从而提高了交通效率。


    • Overpass:立交桥
    • Interchange:立交桥
    • Flyover:立交桥
    • Underpass:地下通道
    • Cloverleaf interchange:四叶草型立交桥
    • Diamond interchange:菱形立交桥
    • Traffic flow:交通流量
    • Road infrastructure:道路基础设施
    • Traffic congestion:交通拥堵


    The overpass, also known as the interchange or flyover, is a vital part of modern urban infrastructure. It is designed to facilitate smooth traffic flow and reduce congestion on busy roads. The overpass allows vehicles to cross each other without interference, thus enhancing the efficiency of transportation.

    One of the most common types of overpass is the cloverleaf interchange, which resembles the shape of a four-leaf clover. Another type is the diamond interchange, named for its diamond-like geometric layout. Despite their different designs, all overpasses serve the same purpose - to streamline traffic and make commuting easier for everyone.

    However, the construction of overpasses is not without its challenges. It requires careful planning and considerable resources. Despite these challenges, the benefits that overpasses bring to our cities and our lives are immeasurable. They are a testament to human ingenuity and our ability to overcome obstacles in the pursuit of better living conditions.


    最常见的立交桥类型之一是四叶草型立交桥,它的形状像四叶草。另一种类型是菱形立交桥,因其菱形的几何布局而得名。尽管它们的设计各不相同,但所有的立交桥都有同样的目的 - 使交通更加顺畅,使每个人的通勤更加便捷。


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