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  • 气预报的历史可以追溯到几千年前,当时人们主要通过观察天空、云彩、风向等自然现象来推测天气。随着科技的发展,天气预报的方法也不断更新。
      China Meteorological Administration (CMA) has improved its numerical weather model (NWP) models, enhancing the accuracy of weather forecasts.   中国气象局(CMA)已经改进了其数值天气预报(NWP)模型,提高了天气预报的准确性。
    The CMA Global Assimilation Forecasting System (CMA-GFS) has a resolution of 12.5 kilometers, providing detailed weather predictions.   中国气象局全球同化预报系统(CMA-GFS)的分辨率为12.5公里,提供详细的天气预报。   The National Meteorological Centre (NMC) issues forecasts and warnings for 13 different types of hazardous weather conditions.   国家气象中心(NMC)发布13种不同类型的危险天气条件的预报和警告。  


    1. Sunny - 晴天    - It's going to be sunny today.(今天天气晴朗。)   2. Cloudy - 多云    - The forecast predicts cloudy skies.(预报显示天空将多云。)   3. Overcast - 阴天    - The overcast weather makes it feel gloomy.(阴天让人感觉有些阴郁。)   4. Light rain - 小雨    - We're expecting light rain in the afternoon.(我们预计下午会有小雨。)   5. Thunderstorm - 雷雨    - There's a high chance of thunderstorms tonight.(今晚有很高的雷暴概率。)   6. High temperature - 高温    - The high temperature today is expected to be around 30 degrees Celsius.(今天的最高温度预计在30摄氏度左右。)   7. Low temperature - 低温    - The low temperature tonight will drop to 10 degrees Celsius.(今晚的最低温度将降至10摄氏度。)  


    The Importance of Accurate Weather Forecasting   Weather forecasting plays a crucial role in our daily lives, from planning outdoor activities to ensuring the safety of communities during extreme weather events. With the advancement of technology, meteorological agencies like the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) have been able to provide more accurate and detailed weather predictions.   天气预报在我们的日常生活中扮演着至关重要的角色,无论是规划户外活动还是确保极端天气事件期间社区的安全。随着技术的进步,像中国气象局(CMA)这样的气象机构已经能够提供更准确和详细的天气预报。   The CMA's Global Assimilation Forecasting System (CMA-GFS), with a resolution of 12.5 kilometers, allows for precise forecasting of various weather conditions, including temperature, precipitation, and wind patterns. This level of detail is particularly important for agriculture, aviation, and disaster management.   CMA的全球同化预报系统(CMA-GFS)分辨率达到12.5公里,能够精确预测各种天气条件,包括温度、降水和风向。这种细节对于农业、航空和灾害管理尤为重要。   In conclusion, accurate weather forecasting not only enhances our quality of life but also contributes to the overall safety and well-being of society. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more sophisticated weather prediction models that will further improve our ability to prepare for and respond to the ever-changing weather patterns.   总之,准确的天气预报不仅提高了我们的生活质量,而且有助于社会的总体安全和福祉。随着技术的不断发展,我们可以期待更加复杂的天气预报模型,这将进一步提高我们应对不断变化的天气模式的能力。