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  • 关于火灾的英语词汇:

    Fire weather:火灾天气,指的是容易滋生火灾或者导致火势蔓延的天气类型。(例如:由于干燥和高温,当前的火灾天气条件非常危险。)
    Record high:历史最高水平。(例如:今年的火灾数量达到了历史最高水平。)
    Out of control:失去控制;无法控制。(例如:由于强风,火势已经失控。)
    On fire:着火;在燃烧。(例如:整个森林都在燃烧。)
    Flare up:突然旺起来;突然加剧。(例如:夜间火势异常,意味着可能会有更多大火突然爆发。)
    Fast-moving fire:急速蔓延的大火。(例如:居民被警告要提防急速蔓延的大火。)
    Fire retardant:阻燃剂;防火剂。(例如:消防飞机在该区域上空投放了阻燃剂。)
    Emergency relief:紧急救援/救助(资金/物资)。(例如:政府已经提供了紧急救援资金来帮助受灾地区。)  


    Wildfires have become a global concern, with their destructive power increasing due to climate change. In recent years, we have witnessed numerous instances where wildfires have ravaged forests, homes, and wildlife habitats, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.   野火已经成为全球关注的问题,由于气候变化,它们的破坏力在不断增强。近年来,我们目睹了许多野火肆虐森林、家园和野生动物栖息地的事件,留下了一连串的破坏。   The Australian bushfires of 2019-2020 were a stark reminder of the power of nature and the importance of preparedness. The fires burned through millions of hectares of land, destroyed thousands of homes, and claimed the lives of both humans and animals. The smoke from the fires even affected air quality in neighboring countries.   2019-2020年的澳大利亚丛林大火是对自然力量和准备重要性的严峻提醒。大火烧毁了数百万公顷的土地,摧毁了数千座房屋,并夺走了人类和动物的生命。火灾产生的烟雾甚至影响了邻国的空气质量。   The response to these fires highlighted the need for better fire management strategies, including early detection systems, controlled burns, and reforestation efforts. It also underscored the importance of international cooperation in combating such disasters.   对这些火灾的应对凸显了更好的火灾管理策略的需求,包括早期检测系统、有控制的燃烧和植树造林努力。这也强调了在应对这类灾难时国际合作的重要性。   As we continue to face the threat of wildfires, it is crucial that we learn from past experiences and implement effective measures to protect our environment and communities. This includes investing in research to understand the causes of these fires and developing technologies to predict and mitigate their impact.   随着我们继续面对野火的威胁,学习过去的经验并实施有效措施来保护我们的环境和社区至关重要。这包括投资研究以了解这些火灾的原因,并开发技术来预测和减轻它们的影响。   In conclusion, wildfires are a formidable force that requires our collective attention and action. By working together, we can reduce the risk and ensure a safer future for all.   总之,野火是一种强大的力量,需要我们共同的关注和行动。通过合作,我们可以降低风险,确保所有人的未来更加安全。

    A Guide to Evacuating a Residential Building During a Fire 居民楼火灾逃生指南   In the event of a fire in a residential building, it is crucial to act quickly and follow safety protocols to ensure the safety of all occupants. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through the chaos and reach safety.   在居民楼发生火灾时,迅速行动并遵循安全协议至关重要,以确保所有居民的安全。以下是帮助你在混乱中导航并安全撤离的逐步指南。   1. Stay Calm and Alert: The first step is to remain calm and alert. Panic can lead to poor decisions. Assess the situation and listen for any alarms or announcements.   第一步:保持冷静和警觉。恐慌可能导致糟糕的决策。评估情况并聆听任何警报或通知。   2. Check the Smoke: Before opening any doors, feel the door with the back of your hand. If it's hot, there may be fire on the other side. If it's cool, open the door slowly and check for smoke.   第二步:检查烟雾。在打开任何门之前,用手掌背面感受门的温度。如果门很热,可能意味着另一边有火。如果门是凉的,慢慢地打开门并检查是否有烟雾。   3. Follow the Escape Plan: Most buildings have an evacuation plan posted near exits. Use this plan to find the nearest safe exit. If you are unfamiliar with the plan, head to the nearest stairwell, avoiding elevators.   第三步:遵循逃生计划。大多数建筑在出口附近都有张贴逃生计划。使用这个计划找到最近的安全出口。如果你不熟悉这个计划,前往最近的楼梯间,避免使用电梯。   4. Stay Low: Smoke rises, so staying low to the ground can help you avoid inhaling toxic fumes. Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth if possible.   第四步:保持低位。烟雾上升,所以保持低位可以帮助你避免吸入有毒烟雾。如果可能的话,用布覆盖你的口鼻。   5. Call for Help: Once you are in a safe location, call the emergency services immediately. Provide them with as much information as possible about the fire, including your location.   第五步:寻求帮助。一旦你到达安全地点,立即拨打紧急服务电话。尽可能提供关于火灾的详细信息,包括你的位置。   6. Wait for Instructions: After evacuating, do not re-enter the building until you are given the all-clear by emergency personnel. Wait for further instructions and assistance.   第六步:等待指示。在紧急人员宣布安全之前,不要重新进入建筑。等待进一步的指示和援助。   Remember, every second counts during a fire. By following these steps, you can increase your chances of a safe escape and help others do the same.   记住,在火灾中,每一秒都至关重要。遵循这些步骤,你可以增加安全逃生的机会,并帮助他人也做到这一点。