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  • Livestreaming is a popular form of online content consumption, where users can watch events or performances in real-time. It has become a significant part of the digital entertainment industry, with platforms like Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook Live offering live streaming services.   直播是一种流行的在线内容消费形式,用户可以实时观看事件或表演。它已成为数字娱乐产业的重要组成部分,Twitch、YouTube和Facebook Live等平台提供直播服务。   E-commerce livestreaming, also known as live commerce, has taken off in China, with platforms like Taobao and Douyin (TikTok's Chinese version) leading the way. This trend has seen a surge in sales, as influencers and celebrities promote products to their followers during live sessions.   电商直播,也称为直播电商,在中国迅速兴起,淘宝和抖音(TikTok的中国版本)等平台引领了这一趋势。这一趋势在直播期间由网红和名人向粉丝推广产品,带动了销售额的激增。


    - Live streaming: 实时直播 - Streamer: 主播 - Viewer: 观众 - Chat room: 聊天室 - Follower: 关注者 - Virtual gift: 虚拟礼物 - Tip: 小费 - Online audience: 在线观众 - Interactive: 互动的 - Broadcast: 广播 - Content creator: 内容创作者 - Social media influencer: 社交媒体影响者 - Live event: 直播活动 - Viewership: 观众人数


    The Rise of Live Streaming in the Digital Age   In the digital age, live streaming has emerged as a revolutionary way for people to connect and engage with content creators. This phenomenon has transformed the way we consume media, allowing for real-time interaction and a sense of community that was previously unattainable.   随着数字时代的到来,直播已经成为人们与内容创作者连接和互动的革命性方式。这一现象改变了我们消费媒体的方式,实现了实时互动和前所未有的社区感。   Live streaming platforms have given rise to a new breed of internet celebrities, known as streamers, who have amassed large followings by sharing their daily lives, hobbies, or expertise with viewers. These streamers often interact with their audience through live chats, creating a dynamic and engaging experience that keeps viewers coming back for more.   直播平台催生了一种新的互联网名人——主播,他们通过与观众分享日常生活、爱好或专业知识,吸引了大量粉丝。这些主播通常通过实时聊天与观众互动,创造了一种充满活力和吸引力的体验,让观众不断回访。   Moreover, live streaming has become a powerful tool for businesses, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, as it allows companies to reach customers directly and showcase products in a more personal and immediate way. This has led to the growth of live commerce, where products are promoted and sold during live sessions, often resulting in significant sales boosts.   此外,直播已成为企业的强大工具,尤其是在COVID-19大流行期间,因为它允许公司直接接触客户并以更个人化和即时的方式展示产品。这导致了直播电商的增长,产品在直播期间被推广和销售,往往能带来显著的销售增长。   In conclusion, live streaming has not only changed the landscape of entertainment but also opened up new avenues for business and personal expression. As technology continues to advance, we can expect live streaming to evolve further, offering even more innovative ways for people to connect and share experiences.   总之,直播不仅改变了娱乐景观,还为商业和个人表达开辟了新途径。随着技术的不断进步,我们可以期待直播将继续发展,为人们提供更多创新的连接和分享体验的方式。
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