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  • 关于饺子的英语词汇:

    - 饺子(Dumplings):一种传统的中国食物,通常由薄面皮包裹馅料制成,可以蒸、煮或煎。

    - 馅料(Filling):饺子内部的填充物,可以是肉类、蔬菜或其他配料,具有各种口味和品种。

    - 包饺子(Make dumplings):制作饺子的过程,通常需要将馅料包裹在面皮中,并使用手指或饺子模具捏合边缘。

    - 水饺(Boiled dumplings):一种烹饪方式,将饺子放入沸水中煮熟。

    - 锅贴(Pan-fried dumplings):一种烹饪方式,先将饺子煮熟后,在平底锅中加热至底部变脆。

    - 蒸饺(Steamed dumplings):一种烹饪方式,将饺子放入蒸锅中用蒸汽蒸熟。

    - 饺子馅(Dumpling filling):饺子内部的馅料,可以根据个人口味和喜好选择不同种类的馅料。

    - 饺子皮(Dumpling wrapper):用来包裹饺子馅料的面皮,可以手工制作或购买现成的。

    - 饺子蘸料(Dumpling dipping sauce):用于蘸食饺子的调味汁,常见的蘸料有醋、酱油、辣椒油等。


    Dumplings are one of the traditional foods in China. They are typically made with a dough wrapper and a filling. The process of making dumplings involves wrapping the filling inside the dough and sealing the edges with fingers or a dumpling mold. Dumplings can be prepared through various cooking methods, including boiling, pan-frying, and steaming. The filling for dumplings can vary widely and may consist of meat, vegetables, or other ingredients. In China, dumplings are an important food during festivals, such as the Lunar New Year when families gather to make dumplings to celebrate the new year. Additionally, dumplings are beloved for their taste and texture, attracting many people to try making and savoring them. Whether at home or in restaurants, dumplings are a popular traditional delicacy.

