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  • 关于通货膨胀的英语词汇及短语:

    1. Inflation - 通货膨胀 2. Consumer price index (CPI) - 消费者价格指数 3. Hyperinflation - 恶性通货膨胀 4. Deflation - 通货紧缩 5. Price hike - 物价上涨 6. Purchasing power - 购买力 7. Cost of living - 生活成本 8. Monetary policy - 货币政策 9. Central bank - 中央银行 10. Interest rate - 利率 11. Money supply - 货币供应量 12. Wage spiral - 工资螺旋上涨 13. Asset bubble - 资产泡沫 14. Quantitative easing - 量化宽松政策 15. Stagflation - 通胀滞胀  


    About Inflation (通货膨胀)   Inflation refers to an economic phenomenon where there is a continuous increase in the prices of goods and services due to an increase in the money supply and a decrease in purchasing power. Inflation has significant impacts on individuals and the overall economy.   There are various causes of inflation. One common cause is an excess supply of money. When the central bank increases the money supply through methods like printing more currency, people have more money in hand, leading to a decrease in purchasing power and a subsequent rise in prices. Additionally, factors such as high demand, rising costs, and unstable international trade can also contribute to inflation.   Inflation affects individuals in several ways. Firstly, rising prices reduce people's purchasing power and increase the cost of living. Secondly, inflation may trigger a wage spiral, further exacerbating the inflationary pressures. Moreover, inflation also impacts investments and savings, which is detrimental to the stable development of the economy.   For the overall economy, inflation also presents some negative consequences. Firstly, it reduces the profitability of businesses as rising costs may not be fully passed on to consumers. Secondly, inflation increases uncertainty, affecting both business and individual decision-making. Most importantly, inflation can undermine the stability of the currency and erode people's trust in it.   Therefore, governments and central banks need to take measures to control inflation. This includes adjusting interest rates, controlling the money supply, and regulating financial markets, among others. Through prudent monetary policies and effective economic management, inflation can be controlled, ensuring stable economic growth.
    通货膨胀(Inflation)是指一种经济现象,即货币供应量增加、购买力下降导致物价持续上涨的情况。通货膨胀对个人和整个经济体都会产生重大影响。   通货膨胀有很多原因。其中一种常见的原因是货币供应过剩。当央行通过印钞等方式增加货币供应量时,人们手中的货币增多,导致购买力下降,从而推动物价上涨。此外,需求过高、成本上升、国际贸易不稳定等因素也会导致通货膨胀。   通货膨胀对个人的影响是多方面的。首先,物价上涨会使人们购买力下降,生活成本增加。其次,通货膨胀可能引发工资螺旋上涨,从而加剧通货膨胀的程度。此外,通货膨胀还会对投资和储蓄产生影响,不利于经济的稳定发展。   对整个经济体而言,通货膨胀也有一些负面影响。首先,通货膨胀会降低企业的盈利能力,因为成本上升可能无法完全转嫁给消费者。其次,通货膨胀会导致不确定性增加,影响企业和个人的决策。最重要的是,通货膨胀可能破坏货币的稳定性,削弱人们对货币的信任。   因此,政府和央行需要采取措施来控制通货膨胀。这包括调整利率、控制货币供应量、监管金融市场等。通过合理的货币政策和经济管理,可以有效地控制通货膨胀,保持经济的稳定发展。