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  • 关于信用卡的英语词汇及短语:

    1. Credit Card - 信用卡

    2. Credit Limit - 信用额度

    3. Balance - 余额

    4. Interest Rate - 利率

    5. Minimum Payment - 最低还款额

    6. Overdraft - 超额透支

    7. Annual Fee - 年费

    8. Cash Advance - 提现

    9. Grace Period - 免息还款期

    10. Late Payment - 逾期还款

    11. Credit Score - 信用评分

    12. Fraud Alert - 欺诈警报

    13. Rewards Program - 奖励计划

    14. Billing Cycle - 账单周期

    15. Statement - 账单

    16. Due Date - 到期日

    17. Purchase - 消费

    18. Chargeback - 退款

    19. Secured Credit Card - 有担保信用卡

    20. Credit Card Debt - 信用卡债务


    In today's fast-paced world, credit cards have become an essential tool for financial transactions. They offer convenience, allowing individuals to make purchases without carrying cash. Credit cards also provide a safety net, as they can be used in emergencies when cash is not available. However, with the benefits come responsibilities. It is crucial to manage credit card usage wisely to avoid falling into debt. Regularly monitoring your balance, making timely payments, and understanding the interest rates can help maintain a healthy credit score. Additionally, many credit cards offer rewards programs, incentivizing responsible spending habits. In conclusion, while credit cards can be a powerful financial tool, it is essential to use them responsibly to enjoy their advantages without incurring unnecessary financial burden.



    In the modern economy, credit cards are indispensable for many people. They offer a convenient way to make purchases, pay bills, and even withdraw cash in emergencies. However, it's important to use them responsibly to avoid falling into debt. Here's a brief guide to understanding credit cards:

    Credit Limit: This is the maximum amount of money you can borrow on your card. It's set by your card issuer based on your creditworthiness.

    Balance: This is the amount you owe on your card after making purchases or withdrawals.

    Interest Rate: The rate at which you'll be charged interest on any unpaid balance. It's crucial to pay off your balance in full each month to avoid interest charges.

    Minimum Payment: The smallest amount you're required to pay each month. It's usually a percentage of your balance, but it's not enough to pay off the balance, so interest will accrue.

    Overdraft: If you spend more than your credit limit, you may be charged an overdraft fee.

    Annual Fee: Some cards charge a yearly fee for the use of the card, which can be waived with certain conditions.

    Cash Advance: Using your card to withdraw cash from an ATM or bank. This often comes with high fees and interest.

    Grace Period: The time between the end of a billing cycle and the due date when you can pay your balance without incurring interest.

    Late Payment: If you don't pay your minimum payment by the due date, you'll likely be charged a late fee and it can negatively impact your credit score.

    Credit Score: A numerical representation of your creditworthiness, which can affect your ability to get loans or credit cards in the future.

    Fraud Alert: A notification system to alert you of any suspicious activity on your card.

    Rewards Program: Many cards offer points, cashback, or other rewards for spending on the card.

    Billing Cycle: The period from one billing statement to the next.

    Statement: The monthly summary of your card activity and the amount due.

    Due Date: The date by which you must make at least the minimum payment to avoid late fees.

    Purchase: Any goods or services bought using your card.

    Chargeback: A request to reverse a transaction due to a dispute or unauthorized use.

    Secured Credit Card: A card that requires a deposit as collateral, often used to build or rebuild credit.

    Credit Card Debt: The total amount you owe on all your credit cards.




















