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  • Vaccines are biological products that provide active acquired immunity to specific infectious diseases. They contain weakened or inactivated pathogens, or parts of them, which trigger an immune response without causing the disease itself. Vaccines have been instrumental in eradicating or controlling many infectious diseases, such as smallpox, polio, and measles.   疫苗是提供针对特定传染病的主动获得性免疫的生物制品。它们包含弱化或灭活的病原体,或者病原体的部分,这些成分能够引发免疫反应,而不会导致疾病本身。疫苗在消除或控制许多传染病,如天花、脊髓灰质炎和麻疹方面发挥了重要作用。  


      1. Vaccine - 疫苗 2. Immunization - 免疫 3. Vaccinate - 接种疫苗 4. Antigen - 抗原 5. Antibody - 抗体 6. Immune response - 免疫反应 7. Inactivated vaccine - 灭活疫苗 8. Live-attenuated vaccine - 减毒活疫苗 9. Vaccine schedule - 疫苗接种时间表 10. Side effects - 副作用 11. Herd immunity - 群体免疫 12. Booster shot - 加强针 13. Vaccine hesitancy - 疫苗犹豫 14. Vaccine efficacy - 疫苗效力 15. Vaccine development - 疫苗开发  


      The Importance of Vaccines《疫苗的重要性》   Vaccines have been a cornerstone of public health for centuries, saving countless lives by preventing the spread of infectious diseases. They work by training the immune system to recognize and fight off pathogens, thus protecting individuals and communities from illness.   疫苗几个世纪以来一直是公共卫生的基石,通过预防传染病的传播,挽救了无数生命。它们通过训练免疫系统识别和对抗病原体,从而保护个人和社区免受疾病的侵害。   The development of vaccines is a complex process that involves extensive research, clinical trials, and regulatory approval. Once a vaccine is approved, it is distributed and administered according to a carefully planned schedule to ensure maximum effectiveness.   疫苗的开发是一个复杂的过程,涉及广泛的研究、临床试验和监管批准。一旦疫苗获得批准,就会根据精心规划的时间表进行分发和接种,以确保最大的效力。   Despite the proven benefits of vaccines, there are still challenges to overcome, such as vaccine hesitancy and misinformation. It is crucial that accurate information about vaccines is disseminated to build trust and encourage widespread vaccination.   尽管疫苗的益处已经得到证实,但仍需克服一些挑战,如疫苗犹豫和错误信息。传播关于疫苗的准确信息至关重要,以建立信任并鼓励广泛接种。   In conclusion, vaccines are a vital tool in the fight against infectious diseases. They not only protect individuals but also contribute to the overall health of communities by promoting herd immunity. Continued research and development, along with public education, are essential to ensure that vaccines remain a powerful defense against illness.   总之,疫苗是对抗传染病的重要工具。它们不仅保护个人,而且通过促进群体免疫,也有助于社区的整体健康。持续的研究和开发,以及公共教育,对于确保疫苗仍然是对抗疾病的有力防线至关重要。