1. **准备供品**:在供奉文财神范蠡时,你可以准备一些供品,如水果、鲜花、糖果、茶叶等。选择的供品应该是清洁、新鲜的,并且表示诚意和尊重。
2. **添设祭台**:选择一个安静整洁的地方,摆放一个简单的祭台或供桌。在祭台上摆放供品,可以使用红色或金色的布料来作为祭台的基底。
3. **点香烛**:点燃香烛,可以选择金黄色或红色的蜡烛。在点燃蜡烛之前,可以念一些祈祷或默念自己的愿望。
4. **诚心祈祷**:在供奉文财神范蠡时,诚心祈祷是非常重要的。可以默念自己的愿望,或者用心表达感恩和祈求。
5. **尊重离开**:供奉结束后,要尊重离开。可以将供品留在祭台上一段时间,然后适当处理,比如分给家人或丢弃。
Article mammon Fan Li can pass the following means to undertake consecrate commonly:
1.** prepares offerings ** : When Fan Li of consecrate article mammon, you can plan a few offerings, wait like fruit, flower, candied, tea. The offerings of the choice should be cleanness, fresh, and show sincerity and respect.
2.** adds ** of the stage that set hold a memorial ceremony for: Choose a quiet and neat place, put a table of simple hold a memorial ceremony for or credence. Offerings is put on stage of hold a memorial ceremony for, can use red or aureate cloth to regard hold a memorial ceremony for as the base of the stage.
3.** nods ** of joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, can choose golden color or gules candle. Before igniting the candle, can read aloud a few pray or the desire that silent reads aloud him.
4.** sincere desire prays ** : When Fan Li of consecrate article mammon, it is very important that sincere desire prays. Can the desire that silent reads aloud him, expression is thankful and perhaps petition attentively.
5.** esteem leaves ** : After consecrate ends, want esteem to leave. Can leave offerings in the period of time on stage of hold a memorial ceremony for, handle appropriately next, for instance deal out family or discard.
When Fan Li of consecrate article mammon, the most important is to send the desire that pray from inner ground sincere desire and expresses his, maintain esteem and devotional attitude at the same time.