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1. 先准备好一些香烛、水果、花束或其他供品,放在供桌上。

2. 用火点燃一支香,表示虔诚地向观音菩萨祈福。可以用一支长的火柴或火把点燃香。

3. 将点燃的香插在供桌上的香炉里,让香烟缓缓飘起。

4. 双手合十,虔诚地向观音菩萨祈愿或默念心中的祈祷。

5. 将其他准备好的供品摆放在供桌上,表示诚心供养。

6. 祈祷完成后,可以燃烧一些金银纸或其他纸钱,表示向观音菩萨献上财富。

7. 最后,恭敬地鞠躬三次,表示对观音菩萨的敬意和感恩。



Consecrate avalokitesvara can pass the following measure to go up sweet:

1.Prepare a few joss sticks and candles, fruit, bouquet or other offerings first, put on altar.

2.Ignite with fire sweet, express piously to blessing of avalokitesvara Bodhisattva pray. Can ignite with a long match or firebrand sweet.

3.What will ignite is sweet in the censer that is inserted on altar, allow incense smoke slowly hike up.

4.Both hands put the palms together, piously to avalokitesvara Bodhisattva invocatory or silent reads aloud the prayer in the heart.

5.Will other ready offerings is put go up in altar, state sincere desire makes offerings to.

6.Pray after finishing, can burn paper of a few bullion or other paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead, express to be displayed to avalokitesvara Bodhisattva on fortune.

7.Finally, bow deferentially 3 times, the respect that shows pair of avalokitesvara a term applied to a kindhearted person and be thankful.

After completing these step, finished to the sweet process on avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.
