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1. 祭祀:在特定的日子或者逝者的生日、忌日等时刻,家人可以准备食物、酒水等物品,摆在祭坛前,然后燃香拜祭,表达对逝者的思念和尊敬。

2. 祭品:可以摆放逝者喜爱的食物、水果、烧酒等物品,或者是烧纸钱、金银器等物品作为祭品,以示对逝者的怀念和尊敬。

3. 扫墓:在清明节等时候,家人会前往墓地扫墓,清理墓地,献上鲜花、食物等,表达对逝者的思念和缅怀之情。

4. 点灯:有些地方会在逝者忌日或者特定节日点灯祈福,希望逝者在另一个世界得到安宁与祝福。



Have different kind to deceased person consecrate, basically depend on belief and culture setting. In Chinese traditional culture, people can carry the person with deceased consecrate of the following means:

1.Sacred: Hour waits in the birthday of the person that specific date perhaps passes, the anniversary of the death of a parent, family can prepare the article such as water of food, wine, place before altar, light next sweet do obeisance to hold a memorial ceremony for, express the longing of pair of person that die and respect.

2.Oblation: Can put the goods such as the food that the person that die likes, fruit, arrack, perhaps burn the article such as silver of paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead, gold to serve as oblation, in order to show the yearning of pair of person that die and respect.

3.Pay respects to sb at his tomb: Moment waits in tomb-sweeping day, family can head for graveyard pay respects to sb at his tomb, clear graveyard, display on flower, food, express the feeling of the longing of pair of person that die and recall.

4.Light a lamp: Some places are met in the anniversary of the death of a parent of the person that die specific perhaps festival lights a lamp pray blessing, the person that the hope dies gets in another world quiet with the blessing.

These are the consecrate means of a few traditions, there also is way in modern society of course, install network altar for instance, donate commonweal to wait.
