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1. 佛像供奉:在家中或寺庙里摆放如来佛的佛像,可以选择小佛像摆放在供桌上或者大佛像放在专门的佛堂里。

2. 祈福祷告:每天或定期向如来佛祈福祷告,表达敬意并祈求保佑、智慧和平安。

3. 燃香拜佛:在供奉如来佛的场所点香,代表清香供养,表达虔诚心意。

4. 念经诵咒:可以选择诵读《心经》、《大悲咒》等经文,或念佛号来供养如来佛。

5. 做好事布施:践行佛教的慈悲和善行,比如布施给有需要的人、动物或支持慈善事业,也是一种供养如来佛的方式。

6. 心灵默念:无论何时何地,都可以在心中默念如来佛的名号或祈愿,表达对如来佛的敬仰和信仰。



Consecrate Buddha Buddhist has a few kinds of common kind. You can choose to plant or combine a variety of means to come among them consecrate:

1.Consecrate of figure of Buddha: Be in the home or the Tathagata's figure of Buddha is put in cloister, can choose small figure of Buddha to put big perhaps on altar figure of Buddha to be put in special family hall for worshipping Buddha.

2.Pray blessing is devotional: Everyday or fixed to prayer of Tathagata pray blessing, express respect and petition bless, wisdom peace is installed.

3.Light Xiangbaifo: The spatial dot in consecrate Tathagata is sweet, make offerings to on behalf of faint scent, express devotional intention.

4.Cuss of recite scriptures Song: Can choose chant " heart classics " , " big Bei cuss " wait for lection, or number of pray to Buddha will make offerings to Tathagata.

5.Make meddlesome donation: The grace of buddhism of carry out travel goes mildly, for instance alms giving gives the person that has need, animal or support charities, also be one kind makes offerings to the Tathagata's means.

6.Interior silent reads aloud: Whenever He De, the renown mark that can miss a Tathagata in the silent in the heart or invocatory, convey pair of Tathagatas revere and devotional.

Choose a kind or a variety of means consecrate Tathagatas, important is to send mix piously from inner ground awe-stricken.
