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1. 准备香炉:选择一个干净的香炉,最好是金属或陶瓷制成的,确保安全稳固,避免香炉翻倒。
2. 准备三炷香:选择好质量的三炷香,可以是道教专用的香,也可以是香港、台湾等地区出产的优质香。
3. 点燃香炉:在香炉中放上足够的灰炭或火柴,然后点燃,待炭火旺盛后,用火柴或打火机将三炷香点燃。
4. 上香:将三炷香捧在双手中,微微鞠躬,然后将炷香放入香炉中,右手捧香,左手扶肘,向前上举,静立一炷香的时间,再右手捧香,左手扶肘,向右上举,静立一炷香的时间,最后右手捧香,左手扶肘,向左上举,静立一炷香的时间。这个动作象征着向神明敬献香火和诚心。
5. 表达祈愿:在上香的过程中,可以默默地祈愿或诵读经文,表达自己的愿望和虔诚。
6. 结束仪式:待三炷香烧尽后,表示供奉仪式结束,此时可以合掌祷告,感谢神明的庇佑。



Consecrate Taoist school can be used normally 3 wick sweet, concrete move is as follows:

1.Prepare censer: Choose a clean censer, had better metal or pottery and porcelain are made, ensure safety is firm, avoid censer overset.
2.Preparation 3 wick sweet: Choose good quality 3 wick sweet, can be Taoism appropriative sweet, also can be area of and other places of Hong Kong, Taiwan those who produce is high grade sweet.
3.Ignite censer: Enough grey charcoal or match are put in censer, ignite next, wait for after charcoal fire is exuberant, with match or lighter will 3 wick sweet ignite.
4.Go up sweet: Will 3 wick sweet hold in both hands in both hands, bow slightly, will wick next sweet in putting censer, the right hand is held in both hands sweet, left hand helps ancon up, go up ahead lift, jing Liyi wicks sweet time, again the right hand is held in both hands sweet, left hand helps ancon up, go up right lift, jing Liyi wicks sweet time, final right hand is held in both hands sweet, left hand helps ancon up, lift on towards the left, jing Liyi wicks sweet time. This movement is symbolizing to deities Jing Xianxiang fire is mixed sincere.
5.Expression is invocatory: Going up in sweet process, silently invocatory or chant lection, the desire that expresses oneself and devotional.
6.End a ceremony: Wait for 3 wick after sweet burn oneself out, state consecrate ceremony ends, can add up to palm prayer right now, those who thank deities bless.

Above is general consecrate Taoist school go up sweet measure, but specific ceremony and consuetudinary may mix because of district, faction the individual is devotional and differ somewhat.
