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1. 准备供品:可以选择一些水果、鲜花、香烛等作为供品。也可以根据个人信仰或传统选择其他供品。

2. 净化空间:在开始供奉之前,你可以通过熏香或祈祷等方式净化供奉空间,以确保能够吸引到人偶仙家的灵性能量。

3. 打开心灵通道:在供奉仪式中,你可以通过冥想或祈祷来打开自己的心灵通道,与人偶仙家建立联系。

4. 献上供品:将准备好的供品摆放在供奉的地方,向人偶仙家表达敬意和感激之情。

5. 行供奉仪式:你可以根据个人的信仰和传统进行供奉仪式,可以朗诵祈祷文或诵读经文,表达对人偶仙家的尊敬和祈愿。

6. 维持供奉:定期维护供奉空间的清洁和整洁,保持与人偶仙家的联系和沟通。



Consecrate person occasionally celestial being home needs work of a few preparation and ceremony. Above all, you need to choose one honour those who represent home of person idol celestial being statuary or image. Next, find a quiet, clean place, can be an altar or specific room, use consecrate this honour statuary. Next, you can undertake consecrate according to the following measure:

1.Plan offerings: Can choose a few fruits, flower, joss sticks and candles to wait as offerings. Also can choose other offerings according to individual belief or tradition.

2.Purify a space: Before beginning consecrate, you can be passed fume sweet or pray wait for means to purify consecrate space, can attract the intelligence capabilities of home of person idol celestial being in order to ensure.

3.Open interior channel: In consecrate ceremony, you can be passed contemplative or pray the interior passageway that will open oneself, with home of person idol celestial being establishs connection.

4.Display on offerings: Put ready offerings the place in consecrate, to the person occasionally devoir of expression of celestial being home and appreciative sentiment.

5.Travel consecrate ceremony: You can undertake consecrate ceremony according to the individual's belief and tradition, can read aloud pray prayer or chant lection, the respect that expresses homes of pair of person idol celestial being and invocatory.

6.Maintain consecrate: The cleanness that safeguards consecrate space regularly and neat, maintain contact and communicate of celestial being home occasionally with the person.

Remember please, want to maintain devoir and modesty when undertaking consecrate ceremony, respect the existence of home of person idol celestial being and power.
