1. 虔诚的心态:在供奉观音之前,要有一颗虔诚的心,表示敬意和诚意。
2. 虔诚的供奉:可以在家中准备一个小的供桌或供台,放上观音像或画像,并摆上鲜花、水果、香烛等供品。
3. 念经礼拜:可以每天或每周定期在供桌前念经礼拜,表达对观音的敬意和信仰。
4. 善行积德:观音慈悲为怀,喜欢看到人间的善行,因此在日常生活中要多做善事,积德行善。
5. 虔诚祈求:在供奉观音时,可以虔诚地祈求观音的保佑和加持,希望能够得到观音的庇佑和指引。
Consecrate avalokitesvara can pass the following means to undertake:
1.Devotional state of mind: Before consecrate avalokitesvara, want to have a devotional heart, show devoir and good faith.
2.Religious enshrine and worship: Can prepare in the home a little credence or for the stage, put avalokitesvara resembling or picture, place the offerings such as flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles.
3.Recite scriptures chapel: Can everyday or it is regularly every week before altar recite scriptures chapel, express the devoir to avalokitesvara and belief.
4.Beneficent accumulate virtue: Avalokitesvara is lenient, those who like to see the world is beneficent, want to do thing of be apt to more in daily life accordingly, accumulate heart do good works.
5.Petition piously: When consecrate avalokitesvara, can petition piously of avalokitesvara bless and add hold, hope to be able to get avalokitesvara bless and how-to.
Above is a few fundamental pattern of consecrate avalokitesvara, but more important is a heart is devotional with sincerity.