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1. 准备神像:选择一尊武财神的像,通常可以在宗教用品店或网上购买到。确保神像质量良好,并符合你心目中对武财神形象的认知。

2. 准备供品:供奉武财神时,通常需要准备一些供品,如水果、糖果、鲜花、香烛等。这些供品可以表达你的诚意和敬意。

3. 准备祭坛:选择一个安静、整洁的地方摆放祭坛,将武财神的像放在祭坛的中央位置。可以在祭坛周围摆放供品。

4. 上香祭拜:点燃香烛,虔诚地向武财神祈求,表达自己的愿望和感恩之情。可以合十、跪拜或默祷,以示虔诚。

5. 持续祈祷:不断地向武财神祈祷,表达自己的心愿,并在日常生活中努力追求目标,以实现自己的愿望。

6. 定期供奉:定期为武财神献上供品和祈祷,保持与神灵的联系和感恩之心。



Fierce mammon is one of mammon in Chinese traditional belief, consecrate he can win a blessing on carry of career, money. Normally, consecrate fierce mammon needs the following measure:

1.Prepare God: Those who choose mammon of one honour fierce picture, can buy on religious things inn or net normally. Ensure God quality is good, accord with the to fierce mammon figure acknowledge in your memory.

2.Plan offerings: When consecrate fierce mammon, normally need plans a few offerings, wait like fruit, candied, flower, joss sticks and candles. These offerings can express your sincerity and respect.

3.Prepare altar: Choose a quiet, neat place to put altar, the resembles be being put in altar central seat of fierce mammon. Can be all round altar put offerings.

4.Sweet hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to on: Ignite joss sticks and candles, petition to fierce mammon piously, express oneself desire and the feeling that be thankful. Can put the palms together, worship on bended knees or contemplation, in order to show devotional.

5.Pray continuously: Pray to fierce mammon ceaselessly, express oneself cherished desire, pursue an objective hard in daily life, in order to realize oneself desire.

6.Fixed consecrate: The fixed mammon that it is fierce is displayed offer up a sacrifice to taste and pray, maintain the connection with deities and the heart that be thankful.

Above is the basic measure of consecrate fierce mammon, can undertake be adjustmented appropriately according to the individual's belief and habit. Those who wish you win the heart in the process of consecrate fierce mammon is quiet the blessing that carries with money.
