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1. **准备供品**:供奉观音菩萨的时候,可以准备一些香、花、水果、甜点等供品。香代表清香,花象征美好,水果和甜点则表示供养的丰盛和美好愿望。

2. **摆放佛像**:在一个清净的地方摆放观音菩萨的佛像或图像,最好是面向东方。可以选择一个安静、整洁、明亮的地方来供奉。

3. **诚心祈愿**:供奉时要心诚意诚,虔诚地向观音菩萨祈愿。可以祈求健康、幸福、平安、智慧等。

4. **持戒清净**:在供奉观音菩萨的时候,最好保持身心清净,尽量避免烦恼和负面情绪的干扰。

5. **常诵经文**:可以诵读观音菩萨的经文,如《心经》、《普门品》等,以此来表达对观音菩萨的尊敬和信仰。

6. **布施行善**:除了供养物品外,也可以通过布施行善来供养观音菩萨,比如慈善捐款、帮助他人等善举。



Consecrate avalokitesvara Bodhisattva wants to decide according to the individual's belief and tradition, but normally the practice includes the following:

1.** prepares offerings ** : Consecrate avalokitesvara Bodhisattva when, can plan the offerings such as a few sweet, flowers, fruit, desert. Sweet delegate faint scent, spend indicative happiness, what fruit and desert express to make offerings to is big with good will.

2.** puts ** of figure of Buddha: In kosher place puts the figure of Buddha of avalokitesvara Bodhisattva or picture, had better be to face east. Can choose a quiet, neat, bright place to come consecrate.

3.** sincere desire is invocatory ** : Heart sincerity wants when consecrate sincere, piously to avalokitesvara Bodhisattva invocatory. OK and invocatory health, happy, restful, wisdom.

4.** maintains Buddhist monastic discipline kosher ** : In consecrate avalokitesvara Bodhisattva when, had better maintain body and mind kosher, avert the interference of trouble and negative sentiment as far as possible.

5.** of lection of ** Chang Song: Can the lection of chant avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, be like " heart classics " , " Pumenpin " etc, will express the respect of pair of avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and belief with this.

6.** of do good works of ** alms giving: Besides make offerings to outside article, also can apply through cloth be apt to will make offerings to avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, for instance the almsdeed such as other of charitable contribution, help.

Above is a few common practices of Bodhisattva of general consecrate avalokitesvara, but particular consecrate kind still wants to decide according to the individual's belief and tradition.
