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1. **清洁准备**: 在供奉关公之前,确保供桌或供奉场所清洁整齐。清理并擦拭桌面,确保没有杂物。

2. **供奉物品**: 准备供奉物品,如关公像、香烛、鲜花、水果、茶叶等。关公像是供奉的核心,可选择铜制、石制或木制的像,根据个人喜好和可用资源选择。

3. **香烛祭拜**: 点燃香烛,并向关公像行三鞠躬礼。每次鞠躬时,可念诵一些祈愿或诵经文。

4. **献上供品**: 将准备好的水果、茶叶等供品摆放在供桌上,表示对关公的尊敬和供养。

5. **祷告与祈愿**: 在供奉结束后,可以静心祷告,表达自己的愿望和祈求。可以祈求关公保佑家人平安、事业顺利等。

6. **持续供奉**: 为了获得最好的效果,最好每天或每周都对关公进行供奉,保持持续的虔诚。



Consecrate closes fair need a few ceremonies and preparative work, in order to ensure the most effective. It is a few proposals below:

1.** cleanness prepares ** : Close in consecrate fair before, ensure altar or consecrate place cleanness are orderly. Clear and wipe a desktop, ensure not sundry.

2.** of ** consecrate article: Prepare consecrate article, if close fair resemble, joss sticks and candles, flower, fruit, tea. Close fair like the core that is consecrate, optional choose copper is made, stone is made or resemble ligneously, according to individual be fond of and usable resource choice.

3.Hold a memorial ceremony for of ** joss sticks and candles does obeisance to ** : Ignite joss sticks and candles, and to close fair resemble going 3 bow ceremony. When bowing every time, can recite a few invocatory or Song lection.

4.** displays on offerings ** : Put the offerings such as ready fruit, tea go up in altar, state public to closing respect is mixed make offerings to.

5.** prayer and invocatory ** : After consecrate ends, can static heart is devotional, the desire that expresses oneself and invocatory. OK and invocatory close fair bless family restful, career is successful etc.

6.** lasts consecrate ** : To achieve best result, best everyday or every week fair to closing undertake consecrate, maintain those who last is devotional.

In consecrate process, want to retain sincere desire and respect, believe to close fair bless and bless install can bring lucky peace.
