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1. **清洁与整理**:定期清洁神像,保持其干净整洁。可以用柔软的布轻轻擦拭,不要使用强力清洁剂。

2. **香烛供奉**:点香、烧香以示尊敬。选择质量好、没有有害成分的香烛,并确保安全使用。

3. **祭品供奉**:根据神明的喜好,供奉水果、鲜花、食品等。需确保食品新鲜,鲜花干净。

4. **祈祷与诚心**:在供奉时,虔诚地祈祷,表达自己的虔诚与愿望。

5. **经文朗诵**:可以朗诵经文或诵经,以表达虔诚。

6. **定期祭祀**:根据传统或个人信仰,定期举行祭祀仪式以示尊敬和感谢。



When the God in consecrate temple, want to respect deities above all, treat seriously. It is a few familiar consecrate pattern below:

1.** cleanness and arrange ** : Fixed and clean God, maintain its clean and neat. Can use soft cloth to be wiped gently, do not use puissant cleaner.

2.** of consecrate of ** joss sticks and candles: Nod sweet, burn joss sticks to be respected in order to show. Choose quality the good, joss sticks and candles that does not have harmful composition, ensure safety is used.

3.** oblation consecrate ** : According to the be fond of of deities, consecrate fruit, flower, food. Need to ensure provision is new, the flower is clean.

4.** prays with sincere ** : When consecrate, pray piously, those who convey oneself is devotional with the desire.

5.** lection reads aloud ** : Can read aloud lection or Song classics, in order to convey devotional.

6.** is fixed and sacred ** : According to tradition or individual belief, hold sacred ceremony to respect and be thanked with showing regularly.

When consecrate God, the religion that should notice to respect place is consuetudinary with the tradition, and the individual be fond of of deities.
