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1. **清洁神像**: 定期清洁神像是很重要的。可以用柔软的布轻轻擦拭,避免使用化学清洁剂,以免损坏神像表面。

2. **摆放位置**: 将神像摆放在家中的一个安静、整洁的地方,以示尊敬。避免将其放在不恰当的位置,比如卫生间或厨房。

3. **供品**: 可以放置一些供品在神像前,比如鲜花、水果、香炉等。供品可以根据你的信仰和文化传统选择。

4. **祭拜仪式**: 可以定期进行祭拜仪式,向神像表达虔诚和感恩之情。这可以是简单的祷告、献花或点香等。

5. **尊重和诚意**: 供奉神像的过程应该是诚心诚意的,表达出对神灵的尊敬和敬畏之情。

6. **学习和理解**: 如果可能的话,了解你所供奉的神灵的故事和传说,这有助于加深你的信仰和理解。



The God in consecrate home can regard a kind as to be mixed piously respect. It is a few simple guidance below:

1.** of ** clean God: Fixed and clean God is very important. Can use soft cloth to be wiped gently, avoid to use chemical cleaner, lest damage God surface.

2.** puts positional ** : Put God quiet in one of the home, neat place, in order to show respect. Avoid to put its in impertinent position, for instance toilet or kitchen.

3.** offerings ** : Can place a few offerings to be before God, for instance flower, fruit, censer. Offerings can be mixed according to your belief culture tradition chooses.

4.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to ceremonial ** : Can undertake hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony regularly, to God expression is mixed piously the affection that be thankful. This can be simple prayer, present a flower or the dot is sweet wait.

5.** esteem and sincerity ** : The process of consecrate God should be earnestly and sincerely, expression gives the respect to deities and awe-stricken feeling.

6.** learns and understand ** : If possible sentence, understand the story of the deities of your place consecrate and fokelore, this conduces to the belief that deepens you and understanding.

Above these are a few simple guidance, but the most important is a heart sincere clever, genuine belief and esteem are the most important consecrate way.
