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1. **供奉佛像或画像**:选择一尊太岁菩萨的佛像或画像,放置在清净的地方,以示敬意。
2. **焚香献花**:每日或每逢特定日子,献上清香的香火和鲜花,表达虔诚心意。
3. **诵经念佛**:可以选择诵念太岁菩萨相关的经文或咒语,增进心灵的宁静与智慧。
4. **供奉饮食**:定期供奉素斋或清净食品,表示虔诚之心,同时也可供养修行。
5. **虔诚祈福**:每日向太岁菩萨祈福,祈求家人健康平安、事业顺利、财运亨通。



A term applied to a kindhearted person of an ancient name for the planet Jupiter is average by consecrate in an attempt to the calamity of restful, disappear, end that seeks good fortune. Best consecrate means includes:
1.** consecrate figure of Buddha or picture ** : Choose one honour the figure of Buddha of Bodhisattva of an ancient name for the planet Jupiter or picture, place in kosher place, in order to show respect.
2.** censes the ** that present a flower: Daily or whenever specific date, display on the burning incense of faint scent and flower, express devotional intention.
3.** of pray to Buddha of ** Song classics: Can choose Song to read aloud the lection related Bodhisattva of an ancient name for the planet Jupiter or abracadabra, of further heart halcyon with wisdom.
4.** of ** consecrate food: Fast of fixed consecrate element or kosher food, represent devotional heart, also can make offerings to at the same time cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine.
5.** of blessing of ** devotional pray: Daily to blessing of pray of Bodhisattva of an ancient name for the planet Jupiter, invocatory family is healthy restful, career be prosperous of carry of successful, money.

When Bodhisattva of consecrate an ancient name for the planet Jupiter, sincere desire and weigh most piously should. In the meantime, according to oneself actual condition and devotional habit, can adjust consecrate pattern appropriately.
