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1. **放置在特定位置**:将麒麟摆放在家中的特定位置,比如客厅、书房或大厅。选择一个高处,代表着高贵和威严。

2. **定期清理和祭拜**:尽管没有人长期在家,但你可以定期回家清理并进行祭拜。每次清理时,给麒麟献上一些水果、鲜花或香炉香。

3. **雕像或画像**:如果长时间不在家,你可以选择一个麒麟的雕像或画像来代替实体供奉。放在一个特殊的地方,以示尊敬和敬畏。



Kylin is a kind of auspicious sign is indicative, consecrate kylin has a few kinds of kind normally. If there is a person in the home, you can choose one of the following methods:

1.** places in specific place ** : Jiang Qilin puts the specific position in the home, for instance sitting room, study or hall. Choose an altitude, representing nobility and majesty.

2.** clears regularly and hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to ** : Although do not have a person to be in the home for a long time, but you can come home to clear and undertake hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to regularly. When clearing every time, display on a few fruits, flower or censer to kylin sweet.

3.** statuary or picture ** : If not be in the home for long, you can choose a kylin statuary or the picture will replace hypostatic consecrate. Put in a special place, be respected in order to show and awe-stricken.

No matter you choose which kinds of way, important is to maintain esteem and good faith. Consecrate kylin is to petition not only lucky, also be the esteem of pair of traditional culture.
