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1. **准备供品:** 可以准备一些水果、糕点、鲜花、香烛等作为供品。

2. **清洁塔身:** 先用干净的布轻轻擦拭玲珑塔,确保它干净整洁。

3. **点香烛:** 在塔前点香烛,表示尊敬和虔诚。可以选择香味较为清香的香烛。

4. **献上供品:** 将准备好的水果、糕点等摆放在塔前,可以轻轻地念诵祈祷或愿望。

5. **诚心祈祷:** 在供奉过程中,表达自己的虔诚和祈愿,请求塔座保佑自己和家人。

6. **定期供奉:** 根据个人的信仰和习俗,可以选择每天、每周或每月进行供奉,保持心诚供养的习惯。



Consecrate exquisite tower can be mixed according to the individual's belief traditional and consuetudinary undertake. Generally speaking, it is the common method of tower of exquisite of a few consecrate below:

1.** plans offerings: ** can prepare a few fruits, cake, flower, joss sticks and candles to wait as offerings.

2.** clean tower: ** wipes exquisite tower gently with clean cloth first, ensure it is clean and neat.

3.** nods joss sticks and candles: ** nods joss sticks and candles before the tower, state respect is mixed devotional. Can choose fragrance relatively the joss sticks and candles of faint scent.

4.** displays on offerings: The fruit that ** will prepare, cake put before the tower, can recite gently pray or desire.

5.** sincere desire prays: ** is in consecrate process, those who convey oneself is devotional and invocatory, request tower bless oneself and family.

6.** fixed consecrate: ** is mixed according to the individual's belief consuetudinary, can choose everyday, weekly or undertake consecrate every months, maintain a heart sincere the habit that make offerings to.

Above is the basic measure of tower of exquisite of a few consecrate, you can undertake adjustment according to your circumstance and be fond of.
