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1. **祭拜仪式:** 在特定的时间和地点举行祭祀仪式,包括献上食物、鲜花、香烛等物品,以示虔诚和尊敬。

2. **祈祷:** 信徒会向诸神祈求保佑、庇佑和指引,表达自己的虔诚和需求。

3. **奉献物品:** 将特定的物品奉献给诸神,这可能是食物、金银、珠宝或其他有价值的物品,作为对神灵的供养。

4. **祭坛建设:** 在特定场所建立祭坛,用以供奉诸神,信徒可以在祭坛前进行祭祀和祈祷。

5. **节日庆祝:** 在特定的节日或纪念日,举行庆祝活动,包括祭祀、祈祷、宴饮等,以示对诸神的尊敬和感恩。



All 24 god consecrate discharge a means to have a lot of kinds, mix according to devotional, tradition normally of the ceremony different and somewhat difference. Generally speaking, consecrate discharges may undertake according to the following means:

1.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony: ** holds sacred ceremony in specific time and place, include to display on the article such as food, flower, joss sticks and candles, mix in order to show piously respect.

2.** prays: ** believer can be begged to Zhu Shenqi bless, bless and how-to, those who convey oneself is devotional with demand.

3.** offering tastes: ** gives all looks specific article dedication, this may be food, bullion, gem or other valuable goods, serve as pair of deities make offerings to.

4.** altar builds: ** builds altar in specific place, consecrate of in order to all gods, believer can undertake before altar sacred and pray.

5.** festival celebrates: ** is in specific festival or fete, hold congratulatory activity, include sacred, pray, banquet drink, mix in order to show to all magical respect be thankful.

These means may be mixed according to different belief traditional and change somewhat, but the kind that expresses all pair of god respect and awe-stricken feeling is on whole.
