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- 仙灵果:3颗(象征着灵性和纯净)
- 星露水:100毫升(象征着宇宙的力量)
- 仙兰花:5朵(象征着美丽和祝福)
- 月影叶:10片(象征着月亮的神秘力量)
- 星辰粉:适量(象征着星星的光芒)

1. 将仙灵果洗净,切成小块备用。
2. 将星露水倒入圣洁的碗中,让它们自由流动,散发出宇宙的能量。
3. 在一个美丽的器皿中摆放仙兰花和月影叶,展示出仙界的神秘之美。
4. 将切好的仙灵果放入器皿中,代表着对灵性的供养。
5. 最后,撒上适量的星辰粉,为食物增添一份神秘的色彩。

1. 在清晨或黄昏时刻,找一个安静的地方摆放准备好的食物。
2. 点燃香炉,献上香火,向仙界祈祷。
3. 心怀敬意,将供好的食物摆放在祭坛上,以礼敬仙家的存在。
4. 默默祈祷,表达对仙灵的敬意和感激之情。
5. 祭祀完毕后,可以慢慢享用食物,感受仙家的祝福和力量。

- 在准备食物和进行祭祀时,保持心灵的宁静和专注。
- 可以根据个人喜好添加其他仙界的象征物,增添仪式感和神秘气息。




Write cookbook of home of consecrate celestial being to need a few ceremonies feeling and dedicated. It is a kind of possible writing way below:


** of cookbook of home of ** consecrate celestial being

** material: **
- celestial being clever fruit: 3 (indicative intelligence of animals and pure)
- the star is roric: 100 milliliter (the force of indicative universe)
- celestial being orchid: 5 (indicative beauty and blessing)
- lunar shadow leaf: 10 (the psychometry of indicative moon is measured)
- stars pink: Right amount (the ray of indicative star)

** measure: **
1.celestial being spirit fruit is abluent, cut small to reserve.
2.Pour astral dew into holy bowl, make them free flow, send out the energy that gives the universe.
3.Celestial being orchid and lunar shadow leaf are put in a beautiful household utensils, reveal the mysterious beauty of bound giving celestial being.
4.Put the celestial being spirit that has cut into household utensils if really, representing pair of intelligence of animals make offerings to.
5.Finally, scatter on right amount stars pink, add a mysterious color for food.

** sacred ceremony: **
1.In early morning or crepuscular hour, look for a quiet place to put ready food.
2.Ignite censer, display on burning incense, pray to celestial being bound.
3.Cherish devoir, will put for good food go up in altar, respect the existence of celestial being home with the ceremony.
4.Pray silently, express clever to celestial being devoir and appreciative feeling.
5.Sacred after ending, can enjoy food slowly, feel the blessing of celestial being home and power.

** is small stick person: **
- in preparation food is mixed undertake sacred when, those who maintain the spirit is halcyon and dedicated.
- the indication that can add group of other celestial being according to individual be fond of, add ceremonial feeling and mysterious flavor.


Such cookbook offerred alimental to make a method not only, still included the measure of sacred ceremony, those who reflected pair of celestial being homes is devotional with devoir.
